The article came to me from the yahoogroup I belong to. She just found the info so to us it is new. And for people who live with uncontrolled pain the fear of meds being withdrawn is scary.
My doctors at the pain clinic are very aware of the issues of uncontrolled pain and the meds required to deal with it. I consider myself very lucky to have found a combination of med s that works for me most of the time. But when it doesn't I have my opiod medication to break the uncontolled pain cycle so that the other meds can do their job.
I am very concerned about becoming addicted to the opiod drug. I take it as little as possible which means I have to be very aware of my body and when the pain it escalating and I now try to stop it before it gets to that point. Without that one little pill that I need maybe once or twice a month I would be in terrible pain all the time. Once it has escalated I can't get it to stop with other methods. None of my doctors are afraid that I am becoming addicted. But they do caution me. In reality I am far more worried about addiction than they are. They know how rarely I need to renew the prescription.
My doctor's office has a huge sign that they will not prescribe opioids to patients they don't know. Addiction is an issue as is getting the meds to sell to others.
I hope that none of you who do suffer from uncontrolled pain don't have to suffer as a result of bad insurance policies that might restrict the very meds you need to make life bearable.