Rebuttals:"Wait on Jehovah"

by Emery 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BluesBrother

    They love Scriptures like this one :

    Micah 7:7

    But as for me, it is for Jehovah that I shall keep on the lookout. I will show a waiting attitude for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me.

    They cheerfully ignore at least one key thing.....No where does "Jehovah" promise or indicate that the end is due shortly, in the 21st Century. Who does that ? The WTS ...Dubs love to hurl what are insults at us saying "You lack faith in God" "If you loved Jehovah enoughyou would stay with it"

    Is it faith and love of God, or faith and love for an organization that presumes to bear his name, claims to speak for him, but is consistantly wrong. I contend that faith and respect for God compells me to reject those who speak falsely in his name !

  • Oubliette

    Why is it we are supposed to "Keep in Step With Jehovah’s Organization" which is allegedly " Constantly Moving Forward, " but we're also supposed to "wait on Jehovah"?

    How can these two thoughts be reconciled? Can they be?

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    I've been waiting all my life, he never showed!


  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    Dub: "Wait on Jehovah."

    You: "Sure. Mr. Jehovah, would you like the table by the window? I'll be back in a minute to take your order."

  • blondie

    Has the WTS waited

    1874 Presence of Christ or 1914

    1878 Jesus begins reigh or 1914

    1914 End of eath's wicked or yet future

    1925 End....

    1975 End...

    1914-1918 First part of GT or yet future

    But after all these times of running ahead the WTS says:

    *** w09 2/15 p. 27 par. 12 They “Keep Following the Lamb” ***

    The faithful slave is also discreet in that it neither acts immodestly, running ahead of Jehovah, nor lags behind when God’s direction on a matter is clear.

    *** w00 10/1 p. 32 Are You Discreet? ***

    Those to whom Jesus Christ has entrusted “all his belongings” are described in God’s Word as “faithful and discreet.” (Matthew 24:45-47) They do not immodestly run ahead of Jehovah on an impulsive whim; nor do they lag behind when God’s direction in a matter is clear. They know when it is time to speak and when it is time to wait silently for further clarification.

    *** w97 6/1 p. 14 par. 7 A Secret Christians Dare Not Keep! ***

    Modesty on the part of the faithful and discreet slave class, commissioned to provide the Christian household with food at the proper time, prevents it from presumptuously running ahead and wildly speculating about things that are still unclear.

  • Splash

    This "wait on Jehovah" from psalms means to wait on Him for salvation, not for the thief brother to decide to give your money back or the pedo to confess all.

    Quite simply it's a misapplication of a verse much like Pr 4:18's Light getting Brighter.

    Read something out of context and you can make it say anything.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Lois hit the ball out of the stadium! May I use this the next time a JW elder ask's me when I will return to meetings? My phone has been ringing for a "slouching call" but I can't lift the phone up! Brilliant Ms Lane, you nailed it!

    "Watchtower - Free...Yes!

    Oh, how do you wake up drones? They are caught up in a routine...that doesn't allow them down time to think. If something goes wrong...wait on Jehovah?

    Waiting on Jehovah is like, silently calling a Taxi, and expecting it to show up at the exact time you need it. One "may" happen to be passing by your location, but more than likely, you will passively and mutely just wait on the "Taxi" longer, and wait passively longer, and then your day is done. You don't need a Taxi any longer, because you are now dead and done nothing with your life...passively waiting on Jehovah.

    Just Lois"

  • MrFreeze

    "So you are saying I'm ahead of Jehovah and have to wait for him to catch up to me?"

  • sd-7

    Does that mean we are not personally responsible for what we believe? If we are not, then why is Babylon the Great? People are told to 'Get out of her' because of her sins. Were they supposed to wait, or act?

    Jesus said that if anyone says to you, 'I am he' and 'The due time has approached', do not go after them. Did he mean to say, wait on Jehovah to correct what they are saying, and then go after them anyway even if he doesn't correct them?


  • JWOP

    Oh, but I DID "Wait On Jehovah"...... and WOW! Did He EVER show me the REAL Truth! (and the WT didn't happen to like THAT truth, LOL!)

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