Why Does The Watchtower Dis-fellowshiping For Smoking and Not Gluttony and Alcoholism?

by ÁrbolesdeArabia 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • happy@last

    Stubborn Disbeliever - double standards indeed! I know what it is like living with adults that are drunkards, does not leave happy memories. I confronted someone in the KH before I stopped going and told them to get secular help and pointed out how serious it was scripturally, I was instantly shunned by members of their family, even though behind their back they were all talking about it, no-one had the cahoonas to help them.

  • Rattigan350

    People are disfellowshipped for alcoholism.

    And all religions look badly upon smoking and drinking.

  • ballistic

    And all religions look badly upon smoking and drinking.

    Never heard of the communion wine?

  • Comatose

    I've never even heard of one example of a person being DFd for gluttony. Not even one example of a JC to investigate gluttony. No one has the balls to do it. It's a meaningless standard. Impossible to judge. Can you imagine a poor brother or sister crying trying to prove repentance? Never will happen. Dumb.

    IMHO many are borderline or actual alcoholics in the congregation. They drink every single day and need it to function. No one will say anything unless they get blasted several times or once in a large group. It all seems so pathetic now.

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    JWOP: From "Shepherding the Flock": "Gluttony is determined, not by size, but by his attitude towards food."

    And how in the world do they determine the "attitude towards food"? What does that even mean? Does it mean that a skinny, sick "gorge-and-purge" anorexic can be tossed out of the flock? Do they really think that they can judge someone who they deem has a "bad attitude towards food," but who in fact is deathly ill?

    BTW, JWOP, I'm not attacking you. I'm attacking the book.


  • Jim_TX
    "Why Does The Watchtower Dis-fellowshiping For Smoking and Not Gluttony and Alcoholism?"

    Because they'd clear out one-half of the membership - or more.

    But... let's look at it for a second. Even if they DID DF for these two offenses... the individual who is overweight would need to lose weight to show 'repentence'. Right? How would they go about that? Join a health club? A gym membership?

    That means that they are spending potential WTBTS 'donations' on something else. Not good. They would also be spending time at a gym, working out. Also not good. They need them to feel dependent on the WTBTS and the meetings there.

    The alcoholic - would they join AA? Again - their time at AA meetings, and perhaps spending money outside the WTBTS circle. Not good.

    So - they overlook it. They don't want to lose any more revenue than they already have.

    Smoking does not carry the same criteria, as they are still stuck in the 50's - and still believe that a person can just put the pack down and walk away from the smoking - which we all know is not true in most cases.

    Just my .02 worth.


    Jim TX

  • free2beme

    This topic comes up on here a lot. Fat people are supposed to be people we feel sorry for and put them on government assistence, give them skooters and make sure they have special rights. Ignore that they will most likely die young, have medical bills that could be the size of a national debt of small countries, etc. We just must feel sorry for them and give support for their ways and accept them. Well, you all can do that and the Jehovah's Witnesses can do that. But we are a fat nation, love fast food way too much and need to pull our heads out of our ass if we think being fat is all about how we are born. You got two legs, walk more or run. You got two arms, not there to shovel in large portions of food. You have a brain, teach it about healthly living and eating. Then when you see a person that is morbidly obese, think to yourself ... these people are weak, losers, and need help! Not pity and not government assistence... of course, when you do see them remember to move to the side to avoid the skooter hitting you as it goes by.

  • metaspy

    I saw more than my fair share of alcoholics in the jws. And I never saw anything done about them.

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    free2beme: "... when you see a person that is morbidly obese, think to yourself ... these people are weak, losers, and need help! Not pity and not government assistence... of course, when you do see them remember to move to the side to avoid the skooter hitting you as it goes by. "

    Remember these words when you get old, sick, or become addicted to something. I hope they come back to haunt you.


    They consider smoking a " defilement of the flesh ", and related to" pharmakeia." Pharmakeia is witchcraft and drug use. So the WTBTS considers it to be very serious. For health reasons, a person should not ingest smoke. I don believe that different plant can be used in other ways without being a defilement of the flesh.

    Gluttony is greed, and that is hard to prove. It's easy to see someone smoking. For the record, I do not support df'ing as practiced by the WTBT$.

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