If the Governing Body are the Faithful and Discreet Slave, Could the Governing Body all die at once?

by Eustace 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hamsterbait

    The July 15 WT says that all the annointed will be taken to heaven between the out break of the Great Tribulation and Armageddy.

    12 000 people cannot die of natural causes all together in a SHORT time. Some of these are young in their 40s.

    So God either KILLS them and instantaneously resurrects them, or like Christ on the mount of Olives, they will be caught away in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Jesus rose up, then a cloud caught him from sight.



    " 12 000 people cannot die of natural causes all together in a SHORT time. Some of these are young in their 40s. "

    Sure they can!

  • villagegirl

    Here is the problem with answering questions with the Watchtower.

    The Watchtower has made many false predictions in many publications.

    Therefore: when a prophet (sole channel of communication) predicts something,

    like a date - 1914, 1975, 1925 and predicts an event and it does NOT come true

    the Bible says; this self appointed "prophet" is a FALSE PROPHET.

    So using WT questions from readers to answerthe question leads you BACK

    into the false teachings of the Watchtower.

    Such as: "God's People" You assume this is the Jehovah's Wittnesesses?

    Not the Jews who were the only "chosen people"?? Not all believers as Jesus Christ said ?

    Or the 2 billion Christians on earth ?

    Jesus Christ said he "tore down the wall" separating Jew from Gentile and this was

    not a time dependent or group dependent or class dependent offer of Grace,

    it was for everybody on this planet. Grace is the anointing of everyone who believes.

    You are not part of a "special group" with "special knowledge"

    Watchtower teaching places the Great Crowd and the Other Sheep together

    as if they are the SAME THING, a separate "earthly CLASS" which they are not.

    The "other sheep. not of this fold" ( if you READ the Bible, is a passage where Jesus is talking about

    adding the Gentiles into the ONE FLOCK )

    The WT breaks the one flock in two;

    spoken smoothly does not make it true !!!

    The Great Crowd is from revelation and if you READ the passage

    it says later on the great crowd standing before the throne in HEAVEN,

    so how does the watchtower explain this ? No, don't even look it up in a Watchtower

    because they do not teach sound doctrine !!!!!

    A thousand year reign of Christ where nobody dies and animals stop eating each other

    is a different reality than this. There are 2 billion Christians in the world, most believe in

    some sort of paradise earth and humans in spiritualized immortal bodies living on earth and

    some kind of a state where the barrier between the seen and the unseen disappears.

    Its all pretty mystical. The Watchtower tries to speak as if only they know it all.

    The WT blathers on in very concrete terms as if they have some "special insight".

    The NUMBERS in Revelation are ALL symbolic. 144000 is SYMBOLIC. Anointed is everyone

    who accepts Christ, gets baptized and has access directly to God through the ONLY mediator Jesus Christ.

    So the above WT quote is useless since it is all based on the false concepts

    of what the terms; God's People, Spirit Anointed, Remnant, Other Sheep, Great Crowd,

    144,000 are supposed to MEAN according to the Watchtower - which is a FALSE PROPHET

    So why look to them for answers to their own false doctrines and expect to find truth

    where there is none ?

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