The Advocates for Awareness of Watchtower Abuses (AAWA) [WARNING]

by Simon 226 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    oh this entire exchange has been a test of "who has left the WT mentality behind, and who is still stuck to some degree". The WT's "ends justifying the means", was all over the posts of those who supported the AAWA and anything it does, in the name of the "greater good." I even read one individual's who acknowledged that the corp may not be completely legal but what was to gain by bringing attention to it.

    Credibility folks. An organization needs credibility and to be squeeky clean. Especially if yuo are going to pick apart your enemy to the molecule.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I don't know the details b/c my computer is down. Using my smartphone is agony. This incident could be a way to show that you have the bxlls to be leader, a true leader. Deal with it. If there is any illegality in the corporation, the WT will know and the signers can be in big trouble. It is not the original crime that brings down powerful people. It is the coverup or not acknowledging and fixing your mistake or foible.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    It's funny how much effort soemone will make to cover over something, and the small amount of effort they made to do what's right to begin with

  • yourmomma

    wow, this facebook thing is one of the most hanus things i've ever come across. as a fader, to have it blasted all over facebook that you joined or in ANY way looked at or are associated with or even have friends in an anti JW group is the single worst thing that can happen to you. my god im sick for you guys that had your idenity compromised like that. that instance hurts aawa's credibility badly, but what destroys it entirely is that response, the response is 100% unacceptable. im glad barbara got out, and i hope the others do the same. i mean is there a worst thing a organization that claims to be anti jw can do than out faders? im beside myself.

  • jgnat

    Trying to keep things clear, the AAWA group is now secret. If a person was added without their knowledge in the blush of those early days, this addition will show up on their timeline. Depending on their privacy settings, their friends may or may not be able to see the addition. However, outsiders cannot access the group and see everyone that is on it.

    Ballistic, google searches to this discussion board is no danger because we use aliases here.

    The remaining concern is with the thousand-plus members, some of whom may be Watchtower apologists. Will they stay mum about their mutual membership? Also, those who were initially added may not realize for months, depending on how often they access their facebook account.

    How did so many people get added so quickly? There were a few people in the group who had extensive (e?)mailing lists. Unthinkingly, they invited them all. I believe "friends of friends" can also be invited.

    I have friended my nephews who are in their twenties. Let's just say we socialize in different circles. Once in a while I get Facebook invites to decidedly inappropriate groups. In Facebook, this happens.

  • ballistic

    Ballistic, google searches to this discussion board is no danger because we use aliases here.

    As I work in IT security, I'm merely pointing out the worse case scenario which is that someone is brought right to the very page

    where someone is discussing being disclosed on facebook, which is very different to someone having suspicions about someone and having

    to search the entire internet. Although aliases are used, you could do some detective work through someone's posts and add pieces of information together however far fetched this sounds.

    Let me give you an example - Fred Hall's facebook is showing he is a member of AAWA. Fred Hall's dad, a JW, googles "AAWA",

    Some hits near the top of the list will no doubt point to this web site as it is often high rating on specific search terms.

    On the thread that google has cached, There is someone not using the name Fred Hall becasue they have a screen name.

    But - the people in the thread they have found are discussing the very thing that happened - they were outed on facebook, and

    Fred Hall's dad realises straight away he is onto something.

  • Dagney

    Jgnat, with all due respect, you use the word "invite" like we had a choice before being added. To be clear, the names were added to the group without notification or invitation.

    i love my whole experience with the exJW community. It's been all good. But I am sour on the ethics of AAWA.

  • jgnat

    Yes, that is correct. It would not be that hard to find out what AAWA stands for.


    I just want everyone to be clear that someone posting here under an alias is relatively safe. If Fred posts under his real name here, mentions the town he is living in and the congregation, well...

  • jgnat

    Dagney, you must know that I work very hard to be correct. Facebook uses the term "invite". They way they use it, well, it's "invite and added".

  • Dagney

    Jgnat, I know, thank you, I appreciate it. However I will venture to speak for a greater portion of my FB friends, we found each other through friends and friends of friends, originating from JWN. We for the most part use the site socially, and naive to the workings of FB, most just try to keep up with security announcements. I did not know this type of adding could be done because never in a million years would I do that to my friends without their knowledge.

    "Invite" is FB's term for add.

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