Went to the weeknight meeting this week for the first time in a long while. The study was all about how having children was ill-advised in this time of the end- the comments dwelled on what a burden children are, how you can spend more time in the ministry without children, and look what they did in Jerusalem- they cannabilized their own children! It's going to be so horrible to watch our children suffer during the great tribulation! Since I had an actual child sitting on either side of me- WTF! I had to repeatedly lean over and tell them how happy I am to have them, they would never be a burden to me, and I will protect them from any harm til the day I die. Question is- why do I have to do this at a meeting this is supposed to upbuild and encourage? Lurking elders and GB- this is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG! Want to drive me away from the meetings? Going after my kids is a home run.
Having children is bad
by dissonance_resolved 41 Replies latest jw friends
If you have children then they can be in line for your estate when you finally die. The corporation doesn't like that.
dissonance-I remember meeting like that as a child, they scared the crap out of me!
If they're going to talk this way about children, they could at least have an area for children to go and be at peace instead of making them feel they're not welcome. No wonder JW kids get so screwed up!
yup :jesus loved children and even said one must be like them to enter into the kingdom, the wt hates gods kingdom
I have lots of young friends and couples and none of them wants kind. They say it isn't because of any fear of the last days or anything like that, but they for some reason ALL don't want children. I was guilty of the same thinking, and didn't even know it.
It is kind of engrained. Good thing everyone in South America is still popping out babies, because otherwise in 40 years their may not be any JW's left.
Well, great! They can accelerate their own demise. I've gotta imagine born-ins are the biggest area of growth right now. Even though most of them leave when they grow up.
Nothing more enticing than going to a place filled with old people. Not that old people are bad, mind you, but the younger crowd wants people their own age.
It sounds like the nudist resorts I've been to in the past year for running events. Back in the 60's and 70's, there was a lot more experimenting with things like that and there were a lot of young people coming in. Now, looking around, it seems like those people are still there, but nobody's come in since. Not that many in their 20's and 30's. Not even so many in their 40's. I ran in the 40's division and had competition. Below 40, you just about had to show up and you'd get a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place medal for the race.
The message? This thing is for the old hippies, not for today's youth.
And I think a similar message will be sent to potential JW converts. A young couple in their 20's comes in and there's very few people their age because the older ones all decided not to bring a child up in this wicked system. No people your age to hang around with is very discouraging. Especially if the converts have kids. The kids are told wordly associations are bad, but there are no JWs to hang with.
And BTW, these concerns are nothing new. I've heard similar things when I was growing up. Thank goodness nature took its course anyway and I was born.
They've been saying that same stuff for 40 years. Jesus loved kids. He never said anything negative about being a parent. It was Paul who was the sourpuss.
Theocratic Sedition
Cobalt, while its true Jesus loved kids, he did give fair warning to those planning on having kids, and those with kids living during the time of the end. To be fair to Paul, he was speaking from the perspective of a missionary who's sole outlook in life was preachings. He stated that his outlook was his own too, unfortunately groups like the WT insinuate that Paul's outlook was tantamount to law and his letters get abused as evidenced by this week's congregation bible study.
yes they are absolutely awful.. look at this one ..