For the most part, these men are honest, and do believe in what they do. BUT!!!!!! I for one cannot see how these men can sit in those elders meetings (JC) committies, and hear time after time what "apostates" are saying, and yet not click!! they dont want to hear the truth, they love the position they have. I cannot see time after time how they can ignore their conscience. I have been involved, on the accusing side of an issue regarding a Elder lying, even with PROOF! (the 2 witmess rule) the issue was ignored. Just like the Pharisees in Jesus day, re. the blind man, Jesus cured him, and still the leaders expelled him from the synagogue! Sorry I think I am with LOST on this one. They know what the "apostates" are saying, and they know what we say is truthfull.
Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk (I will surrender my mind no more, forever)