Despite the respect afforded the First Amentment, I can't imagine any federal judge wanted Jws to bother them on the judges private property. Justice Douglas, one of the most renowned civil liberties proponents wrote eloquently about the right to be left alone. There are several ways for communities to comply with the court order and legally restrict the Witnesses.
This order may cause the WT less access in the long term. Now the communities will not be so lazy. I was taught not to run to court for a variety of reasons.
Jws should have access to public streets. I thought they have no right to enter public property. When they come to my door, I demand to know which fellow resident invited them to enter. Without a name and phone number, I tell them I will call the local precinct immediately. Yet members post here that you must ruin the value of your residence and post a No Trespassing sign. Has the law changed without my knowledge - - Courts worship property rights. I am puzzled. i