Constructive feedback for AAWA leadership (IMHO)

by besty 141 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • besty

    1 - reconsider your existence - there might be a reason why the most effective resources to date have been solo efforts

    2 - recognize that even well-intentioned organizations will firstly seek self-preservation

    3 - be aware that egos and emotional stupidity have torn apart much grander edifices than AAWA

    4 - think about why Facebook might not be suitable for helping vulnerable Jehovahs Witnesses

    5 - the customer is always right - honey attracts more than vinegar

    just my 0.02

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    Some interesting point.

    Yes, I think the most important is to reach JW's with doubts, or JW's that fell that they have a miserable life. An agressive organisation would probably scare those away.

    Maybe forum like this is more effective. So let's be careful not to scare lurkers away. and let's not intimidate people that are still in.

  • Dogpatch

    Good one Besty. That's why Freeminds has resisted "branch offices" or sponsors (companies) or money-giving churches for 30 years. It's like publishing a book. You want to go bigtime, and they will hack your work to death and cause you misery and anger.

    Print it yourself.

    Do it yourself.

    Yet be in touch and friends with as many others as you can. Loose cooperation is more effective, unless it's a major issue requiring cooperation.

    The WT buries itself. Why have an organization to demonstrate that?

    Mock them yourself... they HATE it. gods don't like to be mocked. But it brings them out of the shadows! :-))


  • trujw

    Has Paul Grundy commented on any of this yet?

  • BluePill2

    Good, good points Randy. I think you're ideas also apply to business. I am self-employed and the more you "sell" yourself to so called "partners", the more you lose your freedom.

    One question, it might be out of place, or it is even a dumb idea. Wouldn't it be better to have all the late "AAWA" related posts in one place, separate from the "main" active topics or something? I know they are active too, but this site is cluttered with AAWA this, AAWA that. I would like to get back to "regular business". Just a thought.

    I wish us all well.

    This whole mess was perfect. Perfect in the sense that we got to know each other better. We saw Simon taking some impressive steps. And we also showed, that it doesn't matter what everyone here believes. We don't have to be organized, uniform, or even united or even agree or "behave well, to show active witnesses or lurkers that apostates are not bad."

    I TOTALLY REJECT AND REFUSE to behave "in a certain" politically correct manner, just to show that the leadership of the WT$ or the GB 2.0 is wrong if the assert things about apostates.

    FACT is:

    > We don't care what they assert. They are wrong. No matter what they say. They are wrong. Period.

    > I don't care what they think we should be, look or smell like. We are what we are. TRUE FREEDOM FOREVER!!!! Be YOU, no matter what.

    Peace to you all.

  • besty
    Mock them yourself... they HATE it.

    so true... ego and humour are uncomfortable bedfellows

    add in the opportunity for critical feedback and the birds will fly.

  • Glander

    "The WT buries itself. Why have an organization to demonstrate that?"

    you can carve that in stone, Randy!

    Just get out of their way -they are doing a great job!

  • tresdecu

    Great points Besty

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Print it yourself. Do it yourself.

    Isn't this why God invented the Internet in the first place?

  • okage

    "We don't ask everyone to support us-we just ask everyone to know that we are here." -Cedars

    Sums up the entirety of the AAWA idea quite honestly. And if you say so, you get pwned by Cedars or Bo Juel.

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