The AAWA website jwactivists is down for repairs or whatever, so here is my prediction of what it will be when it comes up:
* The site will have removed all mention of JWN
* The site will have revised their own history.
* The site will have a registry that will be contingent on confirmation of identity in relation to the WTS, but will also limit the function and communication of naysayers of John Cedars' only working Organization on Earth.
* Privacy will not be addressed
* The donation button will be at least 20% bigger except there will be two, one for the local effort and one for the worldwide work.
* A library of Cedars' previous publications with new content edits that are supposedly for "accuracy."
* A special login section for AAWA members with more "privelages."
These are my predictions. What do you think they are going to do to the site that needs maintenance after only a couple weeks?