Recap if 2013 "Special" Assembly Day

by piztjw 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • piztjw

    10:00 AM Why Your Inner Voice Needs Safeguarding.

    Entertainment, associates, social networking are from non-jw's. Avoid them!

    10:15 AM How To Train Your Conscience

    Learn about Jehovah. STUDY, STUDY, STUDY.

    10:30 AM Clean From the Blood of All Men--How So?

    Be completely devoted to preaching. PREACH, PREACH, PREACH.

    10:55 AM Announcements

    Thanks for your self-SACRIFICING spirit by giving your money. Boxes are set up in various locations for you to use.

    11:05 AM Is your Conscience Truly Guided by Bible Principles?

    We're from Bethel. We're special. We work with the GB. A good conscience shops our spirituality when it moves us to PREACH.

    11:35 AM Dedication and Baptism

    Your dedication is not a contract (?). It is not to a person or organization (?) You do it of your own free will.

    1:35 PM Experiences

    We have never had a real job. Our "career" is preaching. We are in the circuit work. Everything is great. We have no worries.

    1:45 PM Watchtower

    2:15 PM Do Not Wound the Conscience of Your Brother

    Do not insist on your "perceived" rights. The strong have to cater to the weak. The weakest conscience has final say over all others in the

    congregation. If you do something that someone else doesn't think is right, you have hurt their conscience and are as good as dead.

    2:30 PM Young ones Who Bear Up Under Grievous Things

    5 year olds who wouldn't write a letter to US troops in school or light any fireworks with grandma were made fun of for their (?) stand.

    2:45 PM Announcements

    We only have taken in $678.00 so far. We sent $2,500.00 to New York plus an additional $650.00. We have $3,100.00 rent in the building.

    Give more!

    3:55 PM Follow Your Spirit-Directed Conscience

    Conscience can act before hand to prevent you from doing something wrong. But if you do wrong anyway your conscience WILL hurt you, and

    GOOD if it does. Conscience should condemn you. It shows your inner weakness. A good conscience only comes from confessing to the

    elders. (I wonder when confessionals will be part of remodel or new construction plans?) We must follow new light if we want a good


    So there it is. A recap of the "special" assembly day.

  • Phizzy

    Barf !

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    "We have $3,100.00 rent in the building."

    Obviously this wasn't at an Assembly Hall, as the rent figure is too low.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    What? No mention of apostates and Internet porn? It had to be listed in the things to confess.

    Otherwise, it looks like total recycled material that I'd heard plenty of times before. So glad I don't waste a day of my weekend with such brain-washing.

  • goatshapeddemon

    Shirley - Exactly.

    Apparently a friend in Texas - two day assembly at their new assembly hall ... wait for it.... $18,000

  • NewYork44M

    5 year olds who wouldn't write a letter to US troops in school or light any fireworks with grandma were made fun of for their (?) stand

    That is sad, I feel sorry for that kid.

  • zeb

    With the reported unemployment in the US; may explain the "low" donations.

    To those whose life is preaching I say get a job, have kids, sign a mortgage. See if you can make the grade.

    My wife went to some 'special' day. If I ask out of sheer politeness "what was it like"?

    I get; "You should have been there" Hmm standard wt manners.

    So I have got the message Pizjw. Thanks.

    On the 25th April is A.N.Z.A.C. day the time where Australia and new Zealand commemorate their people lost in war. One of the virtues fought for is freedom of speech. There are two ways to look at the loss of fos. Amad dictator takes over and bans everything as in Hitler. or a cult takes over and precludes reasonable discussion and conclusion with changes found being applied.

    thanks all and look up ANZAC day on wiki or google its alearning curve particularly for those in the US.


  • Bobcat

    "We have $3,100.00 rent in the building."

    Obviously this wasn't at an Assembly Hall, as the rent figure is too low.

    Wow. You sure ain't just whistlin' dixie. We attended the new Orangeburg, SC assembly hall today and the brother announced costs associated with the one day SAD at $11,500 +- (At the time of announcement, which was mid-afternoon, the deficit was about 6 grand.)

    What's going on? The thing is already bought and paid for. (There were about 1500 present, give or take a few.)

    On another note, L Weaver Jr (of WT Society president fame) was the visiting Bethelite. He gave the last talk, "Follow Your Spirit-Directed Conscience."

    If I were to guess, he mentioned Jehovah/God about 10 times, Jesus once or twice. And the FDS/ Slave Class about 50 times. And there was thanks for Jehovah's provisions, BUT realize this: You need the FDS! You can't do without them.

    Oh, and he did hint at the new 'understanding' of the FDS without out-and-out saying it.

    That's my report.

    Take Care

  • Finkelstein

    A religious organization with so many lies attached to it to make it function and operate shouldn't be expected to tell the Truth regarding money matters.

    Most JWS have no idea that the WTS. has hundreds of millions stashed away in bank accounts collecting interest.

  • TotallyADD

    If I would have stayed in I would have been one of the unlucky ones on the RBC to have worked on the Orangeburg SC Assembly Hall. Been completely out for over 2 years and loving it. Instead of spending my money on the Brog I now use my money for more important things. All WT owned assembly halls but large burdens on the JW who attend. I remember when we built the Plant City Assembly Hall at out first assembly the cost was something like $8,000.00. We owned it. Have no idea were all the money went to. Totally ADD P.S. Yes I do.

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