The Roman Catholic Church (RCC) religious leaders wear ridiculous clothing.
WTS elders wear ridiculous cheap suits.
One can wear a beard and still be a priest in the RCC.
One can wear a beard in the WTS, but never be an elder with one. It's Bible-Based(tm). Jesus had a beard and he never made elder.
The RCC wants you to go to heaven when you die.
The WTS wants you to give them your house, life insurance money and all your bank accounts when you die.
When you die, the RCC gives a dignified funeral where people mourn but also celebrate your life.
The WTS gives a sales presentation when you die.
Many people in the USA were terrified when Roman Catholic Senator John Kennedy ran for President.
Everyone in the USA would laugh their asses off if Russell, Rutherford or Franz ran for President.
The RCC allows blood transfusions which saves lives, yet they have tortured countless numbers of people to death.
The WTS forbids blood transfusions which costs lives, yet they have tortured countless numbers of people into zealot insanity.
The Roman Catholic Church denounced the "Turkey Trot" dance as sexually suggestive in the first decade of the 20th Century. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
The WTS denounced the "Twist" dance as sexually suggestive in the sixth decade of the 20th Century. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
(Of course and in all fairness, it is true that the way turkeys walk is so obviously pornographic. I have to go home and relieve myself in that guy way every time I see one walk around. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! With regard to the "Twist", Jehovah made a big mistake when he designed our torsos to actually pivot right and left at the hips! He didn't forsee that man would come up with a fad dance that actually involved the torso PIVOTING! (But not the hips where all the "nasty" stuff resides.) HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!)
The RCC has a strict religious hierarchy and trying to break rank has dire consequences.
The WTS has a strict religious hierarchy and trying to break rank has dire consequences.
Decisions in all matters of doctrine and life for members are made by one or a few clueless assholes in the RCC who live in an isolated ivory tower insulated from life choices ordinary people have to make daily.
Decisions in all matters of doctrine and life for members are made by one or a few clueless assholes in the WTS who live in an isolated ivory tower insulated from life choices ordinary people have to make daily.
The Bible condemns religious leaders who forbid people to marry.
The RCC forbids its religious leaders to marry.
The WTS forbade workers at its headquarters to marry and did everything short of forbidding all of its members to marry.
Conclusion? The Bible doesn't know what it is talking about.
The RCC says its leader is the sole mouthpiece of God on earth. They say the WTS is an imposter.
The WTS says its leader(s) are the sole mouthpiece of God on earth. They say the RCC is an imposter AND demonized.
The RCC has made disastrous choices which has caused countless numbers of its members to die needlessly.
The WTS has made disastrous choices which has caused countless numbers of its members to die needlessly.
The RCC has given countless billions of dollars to charities around the world.
The WTS has collected countless billions of dollars around the world, given none to any charity, kept all of it and spent it on projects which are designed to increase its revenues even more.
The RCC has a bank of Cardinals who are in charge of giving religious and spiritual advice.
The WTS has a bank of corporate lawyers who are in charge of giving investment, avoiding doctrinal minefields and tax avoidance advice. (Think "amicus curiae" in the Jimmy Swaggart book-selling case and no more catered food at District Assemblies.)
Priests and other RCC leaders take a vow of poverty.
So do Bethel workers in the WTS. The only difference is that they actually LIVE in poverty and with no real job skills end up living their lives in poverty when they leave their service for the WTS.
The RCC was exposed for fostering and protecting child rapists, got caught doing it, publicy apologized for it and is taking steps to prevent it happening again.
The WTS was exposed for fostering and protecting child rapists, got caught doing it, never publicy or privately apologized for it and only take steps to prevent it when forced to do so by laws or the courts.
To be a good Catholic, you must confess all your sins to your religious leaders, but you are never punished for doing that.
To be a good dub, you must confess all your sins to your religious leaders and then face a shitstorm of punishment for doing that.
Much of the Catholic religion is based upon heaping guilt trips on members.
All of the WT religion is based upon heaping guilt trips on members.
The RCC has some wacky superstitions.
The WTS has demons hiding in sofas at every garage sale.
The RCC has communion where everyone partakes.
The WTS has the Memorial where no one partakes.
The RCC doesn't have any false prophecies because they don't prophecy.
The WTS does prophesy and 100% of them have proven to be false.
The RCC doesn't concern itself with the End-of- the-World-as-we-know-it.
The entire reason for existence of the WTS is to concern itself with the End-of-the-World-as-we-know-it. It could not exist without it.
The RCC does not need zillions of new books to survive.
The WTS needs zillions of new books to survive.
The RCC has an entire arm of genuine scholars. They are known as "Jesuits."
The WTS had Fred Franz. He's dead and he was always wrong. About everything. (The WTS won't even print his books anymore, and you know how much they LOVE to print books!)
In the RCC, the possibility of getting to heaven is open to everyone.
In the WTS, getting to heaven is based upon a 144,000 lottery. The possibility of getting to heaven mostly depends upon your birthdate and the birthday lottery was pretty-much filled up over seventy years ago. Good luck with that.
The foundation of the RCC religion is a dead guy named "Peter."
The foundation of the WTS religion is a dead guy named "Chuck" AND a printing corporation where members buy and sell their books.
The RCC claims its leader is infallible when speaking for God. After all, he is speaking for GOD!
The WTS claims its leaders are not infallible when speaking for God, but only when they get something dreadfully wrong. After all, they may may be speaking for GOD, but he doesn't always speak for THEM!
The RCC has banned books and banned music.
The WTS has banned books and banned music.
The RCC has supported some of the greatest artist of all time, including Michaelangelo. Their art has withstood the test of time, everyone admires it and there are countless re-prints of it all over the world.
The WTS has its own "art department." Their art has a shelf life of 30 days. No one admires it and no one makes re-prints of it. Ever.
The RCC cruelly punished Galilei Galileo for proving one of their major doctrines was total bullshit. Centuries later they finally apologized for that.
The WTS cruelly punished Carl Olaf Jonnson for proving one of their major doctrines was total bullshit. They never have and never will apologize for that. They never apologize for anything they do wrong.
The RCC has 1,000,000,000 members, most of whom don't really buy all that bullshit because it is pretty wacky.
The WTS has only 8 tenths of one percent of the RCC members, most of whom don't really buy all the WTS bullshit because it makes even the RCC look sane.
Members of the RCC worship dead saints and are proud to do it.
Members of the WTS worship live GB members, and deny they do it.
The RCC sold "indulgences" to lesson the time those payees spend in purgatory.
The WTS has Circuit Overseers who discretely accept "indulgences." It doesn't lessen the donor's TIME in purgatory, but it does mitigate their actual WTS purgatory, keeps some of them out of trouble they deserve to be in and gets them promoted to positions they don't deserve to have.
The idiot who spent most of his adult life attacking the RCC with his "Religion is a Snare
and a Racket", had two basic problems:
1) He should have been looking in the mirror when he said that and,
2) Despite his making his followers buy and sell millions of his books attacking the RCC, almost no one in the RCC has ever heard of the guy or what he said. Neither have most of the WTS members who are under 60 years age.
The RCC wants you to kiss the rings of their leaders.
The WTS wants you to kiss the asses of their leaders.
Today, a very large number of the Catholic Churches are nearly empty, but the RCC is still running its worldwide charities.
Today, a very large number of the Kingdom Halls are nearly empty. The WTS is selling them for a hefty profit and continues to run its worldwide campaign of begging for more and more money and still gives none of it to charity.
As of this date, the RCC is still in business.
As of this date, the WTS still IS a business.