Bethel Speaker- get rid of Facebook!

by Kensho 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    yea and cats too. Then in usual fashion, the quote a bunch of questionable sources on how dogs and cats can affect your health

  • besty

    to any lurkers that are being 'encouraged' to delete FaceBook there is the option to deactivate your FB account for a while - ie a few minutes - and then log back in and all is still there as before

    If asked you can always truthfully reply that you have deactivated your account.

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    Yes I remember a sister of mature years was advised to have her dog put down and the Brother elder from the platform made a virtue of the fact that it was advisable in order for her to free up her time for door knocking. She had the dog destroyed so I suppose that saved Jehovah a job as well.

    It didn't accomplish much the sister was upset the dog wasn't too pleased either and it didn't amount to a hill of beans because it was over forty years ago.

    Don't listen to the Society if you need good advice thats the best advise ---------------------cruel bar stewards.

  • Fencing

    So I guess I can expect half of the Witnesses on my facebook page to up and disappear all of the sudden, and then pop back up again in about a year, after the guilt complex wears off? Same as happens with movies, books, video games, etc.?

  • Badfish

    God these men are retards once in the 80s we had a local needs talk on cuting men's hair to short on the sides while the top was long. Honestly even at 11 at the time it got me thinking how that religion was nonsense. How can adults bye into that stupid sh$$.

    In the 90's we had a local needs talk on the color of dress shirts. Only white shirts and pastels were acceptable. Too many young brothers were wearing dark shirts such as purple and green under their suits. And anyone who wanted to "reach out" and serve in the congregation such as carry the mics, etc. would not be allowed to wear any shirts other than white or a light pastel color. If a brother was caught wearing a dark shirt, his priveledges would be removed.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    My Cong had white shirts for the speakers. No speaker from another cong could give a talk, unless it was white. They had several sizes to accomodate everyone


    I have an announcement:

    Tornapart is now thinking independently, and should be shunned.

  • cobaltcupcake

    Yeah, yeah, and in the '70s it was CB radios

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Rank and File JWs are not "born again" and do not have the Holy Spirit telling them they are "God's children", does this part apply only to the rapid growing "Little Flock" segment of the Watchtower?

    Cobalt-cupback :) CBs and HAM Radios were bashed in my circuit, "Don't Listen To Strangers" was the "Local Needs" part, I remember we were receiving interference from CB Radios and our Kingdom Hall system was picking up the chat of long-haul truckers. I heard the "F-Word" used by truckers, talking about hookers, getting drunk and fights from my Kingdom Hall seat mostly on Thursday Nights during the Theocratic school. Very strange days back then, why did we have a direct line into the filthy talk of all those truckers?

  • hoser

    Yeah, yeah, and in the '70s it was CB radios

    I remember as a kid that article. It had a picture of a guy talking late at night on his cb and his wife was all pissed off cause she wanted to sleep. I'll have to look that one up again

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