Anyone here believe in white magick?

by diana netherton 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • diana netherton
    diana netherton

    If so, does it work? I've been reading up on it and I am curious as to how it works.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Believing in something does not make it true. As an ex JW you know that already. There are billions of people on the planet who believe in total utter bunk most of it unprovable nonsense.

    How about learning some critical thinking skills and freeing yourself from it all?

  • thecrushed

    Not as well as gandalfs staff. it certainly wont help you defeat a balrog or dragons. that is to say leave magic to fantasy books where it belongs.

  • jgnat
  • James Brown
    James Brown

    I believe in magic white and black.

    I think a lot of it is misdirection, deceit, deception and creating illusions.

    I don't practice magic, but I think magic is practiced on us as citizens of various

    governments and countries.

    I think for many being deceived and deluded can lead to warm fuzzy feelings

    of comfort and happiness.

  • ShirleyW

    Is "white magick" different from "white magic" ?

  • thecrushed

    If you define magic as the sort of elemental magic in D&D, LOTR, and the Hobbit then its totally fiction. If you define it as misdirection, slight of hand, illusion, delusion and mind control then I'd say the Witchtower is sending out black magic by the truck load almost as if they are mount doom from mordor.

    Mount Doom

  • ballistic

    I think Sirona does, but she hasn't posted on here for many years. She was wicca? wiccan? wicca-something. Sorry.

  • ballistic

    But I do sometimes watch that program we have in the UK "Most Haunted" does that count???

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    White magic is like prayer but without the middleman (God, Jesus, Allah, whoever).

    It's the direct sending of one's beneficial will into the ether using a somewhat formalized ritual (casting a circle of protection, calling on the "power" of the four corners -- North, East, South, and West, and other rituals that depend on the particular form of Wiccan belief).

    Margot Adler's "Drawing Down the Moon" thoroughly explains what Wicca and white magic is all about, if you're interested.

    Do I believe in it? No.

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