Thought this video about stuff happening in March was very profound:
Are end time prophecies actually happening?
by ablebodiedman 11 Replies latest watchtower bible
There are no prophecies in the BIble. The only prophecies in the Bible require people to interpret text, its never ther ein b&w.
It's a half hour long and I haven't watched the latest Adventure Time episode yet. So forgive me for not watching the whole thing.
But here's a few points from someone who didn't watch the whole thing. Maybe they address them, but I doubt it.
The Bible doesn't predict "Extreme Weather". It predicts, specifically, earthquakes. Which are actually happening at pretty much the same frequency as they were when the prophecy was made. The Bible doesn't predict hailstorms, tornados, sinkholes or giant mosquitos.
The Bible does predict a third of the stars in the sky being destroyed, the moon turning to blood and the sun going dark. When that stuff happens, let me know.
And muslis believe that Mohammad split the moon in two. Now who are the crazy ones ?
God does not approve of masturbation, genital or cranial.
Stubborn Disbeliever
Nope. We have more social media and more technology to get news out immediately, around the world. It only SEEMS like it's the "end times".
Bible thoughts, prophcies, etc. are so faugue and misappled... you could apply the thoughts to anything with a James Earl Jones narrative and feel like it is real and get scared.
Everything depends on interpretation and what you accept as being true.
For instance, the VAT4956 contains two references that match 511 BCE, which I believe is the attempt of the creators of this text to reflect to the original timeline for year 37 of Nebuchadnezzar II. In that case, year 19 falls in 529 BCE which would date the 2nd coming in 1992. On December 25, 1992 I had a personal experience where I became the Christ. That is, Christ spiritually inhabited my body. But then when I went back to scripture, I found how my personal life as the "prodigal son" prophesied how I would become the messiah. I had gay and transgender issues and fell out of the truth and experimented with the gay lifestyle. I got disfellowshipped. Finally I returned to the truth around 1989, but didn't become active until Passover of 1992. But then I became one of the anointed that summer and to my surprise the Christ in December.
When I read the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, I interpret the rich man to be the GB of JWs. Lazarus outside his gate represents a disfellowshipped JW. He is cast out because he is unclean and has ulcers, representing his spiritual weaknesses and sins. But the dogs who are said to come and lick those wounds represent the nature of Lazarus and his sins. Dogs in the Bible are otherwise straight men who sodomize male prostitutes in ancient Israel. Thus if Lazarus is surrounded by this dogs who lick his wounds, it would mean Lazarus at some point is a male prostitute and thus likely also a cross-dresser. Well, that is precisely my life. I got arrested in Seattle (WA) for prostitution once. So this prophecy and others about a former male prostitute and XJW become the Christ helps to convince me my personal experience was real and that it fulfills end-time prophecies about the Christ's return, specifically in 1992!
The Bible also prophesied the nation of Israel would be set up just a little time before the messiah appears. The State of Israel was set up in the Spring of 1948, I was born in January of 1950. The Bible says that between 1940-1947 two-thirds of the Jews would be exterminated (Zech 13:8) and that occurred. The Bible prophesied that the Jews would come out of exile and be restored to their homeland to celebrate the 70th jubilee which occurs rrom 1947-1996 and that occurred precisely on time.
The Bible prophesied that those in charge of God's own house, his public temple, which is the WTS, would become apostate and we're seeing that right now.
The Bible said that the "sign of the son of man" would appear in heaven upon his arrival and that miracle has been occurring since my birth. Even the WTS is aware of it and depicts the image in the clouds in their Revelation book. The image is of a black infant's face with his eyes closed. That's the SOSM! I have a photo of it, taken seven years later on the same day and time of day that another sign appeared in the sky after I became the messiah.
So, yes, indeed, the end-time prophecies are being fulfilled, but only if you are reading and understanding what is supposed to happen.
REGARDING 'EARTHQUAKES": The Greek term translated as earthquakes can refer to any disturbance or "shaking" or "agitation" -- the word is seismo. In one place this word has to be translated as "tempest" when it is clear it cannot refer to an earthquake. The basis of this word as well can refer to social agitation such as a tulmult in a crowd. Since all the other references are to social or people-related signs, such as pestilence and food shortages, etc., I believe the "shaking" and "agitation" mentioned should not be translated as "earthquakes" but as social instability in one place after another, which was very much the case between 1914 leading into the Holocaust.