Christ was prophesied to appear in the flesh in the body of the prodigal son sometime in 1992-1993. That happened. I'm the Christ. I saw and spoke with God. So from my perspective, I'm not in a position any more to speculate whether the God of the Bible is real or not. He actually exists.
But my personal experience and personal contact with God is just that, personal and not transferable. Thus I believe in God because of direct manifestation but others continue to doubt based on the fact that God is not revealing himself this directly to them.
Thus atheism prospers because of the concept that God doesn't exist and isn't manifesting himself to others. But in fact, God could be manifesting to many others, but if they are sworn to secrecy, then the atheist will still presume God does not exist based on just his personal knowledge of the absence of God in the world at this time.
So in conclusion, I don't blame atheists for being atheists, but God has taken his elect out of that loop as far as linking evolution and other atheistic issues with whether God exists are not. We may not be able to explain around the evidence for evolution, but it doesn't matter because we have an independent confirmation of the existence of God, so it just doesn't affect our worship. We can table the questions to some other time. It doesn't challenge our faith at all which has been confirmed by God's direct interaction with us.
Plus, God doesn't seem that interested in trying to convert someone who had already made up their mind not to believe in God. In fact, he goes out of his way to make it even easier to believe there is no god!
ACTS 13:41 "Behold it, you scorners, and wonder at it, and vanish away, because I am working a work in your days, a work that you will by no means believe even if anyone relates it to you in detail."
I'm fortunate to know for sure, I realize that.