Ding: Wow I'm genuinely impressed that you managed to get someone to come back alone, let alone leave! I really appreciate the detailed response, I will be interested to try using it. I think there is definitely a way I can use the same aproach but perhaps tailor it to the issues that I have personally with the orgnisation. That way, I shouldn't get tripped up. I suppose the ultimate message there is to play dumb and let them see the flaws themselves.
Steve2: I'm not sure why you can't see the link, I think like you said, it might be the computer your currently on. I wouldn't say it was an epiphany, it was one of the first times that I had come into contact with someone who was my age when I was in the religion. I was born and raised as a JW but left at 13, ever since then I only had connections with older adults. So to be able to interact with someone who essentially reminded me of myself brought back a lot of mixed emotions. Ultimately it changed the way I feel about the 'indoctrination' of young kids, whereas before I had remained fairly impartial since I feel I turned out rather well-balanced.
Like I said, not an epiphany, but I wanted to not only get my feelings down but perhaps open the conversation with people who have been in the same position as me and see how their experiences compared. The reason I linked to it was because I write these experiences to share with friends and family on my blog, but am also keen to share it with the people on this forum.