Last night my husband and I watched a special on the History Channel about the Knights Templar. About two weeks before I showed my husband the 607/587 blunder. First off, he didn't even know that 607 was relevant to JW teachings. So I showed him and he was surprised. Well, while we were watching the show it mentioned that the fall of jeruselem as 586, I am not sure if my husband noticed, although I am sure he connected the dots, because when he started to talk about the show to his mother I chimed in and told her how surpised I was to see that the Knights Templar lived and excavted King solomons Temple after the Fall of Jersuselem in 586. No one even noticed what I said. They looked at me like they had no idea what I was even talking about. For one of their fundamental teachings, these people don't know squat about their religion...At least I wasn't in hotwater for letting that one slip, my hubby did give me a stink eye though. Oh well, I hope it was a reminder to him that his religion is a sham.
I don't have a good title, just read it
by Honeybucket 21 Replies latest jw friends
LoisLane looking for Superman
There are several types of JW's. Those who want to yell down your throat, as in cram the Truth(tm) down your throat, and those who politely ignore obtuse sayings. I would say your family loves you and so allow you to say whatever you want, letting what you say, go in one ear, and out the other.
Just Lois
The rank and file dont care about any date, they have been well trained to accept whatever the WTBTS is currently shoveling out. Once you understand that everything makes sense.
It must be very hard to live under that veil - always being 'wrong' in the eyes of your loved ones ... the few hours I occasionally spend with my parents are agonizing at times. I know, in a much milder way, how you feel.
If most JWs don't even know, that "607 BC" has been an important year to the WTS preaching it was the destruction of Jerusalem, the beginning of the so called 2,520 year prophecy pointing to their 1914, to be the beginning of the end of this system, then, no wonder, when the WTs changes anything, they don't get it, because they never even believed it before. Amazing, what they don't even know about their own religion and teachings.
I showed my wife the Facts about 586/587, just a blank stare. no biggy.
If I were to explain what this does to 1914 then I would expect then followed by &
Don't you see, by referring to actual history books which contradict WT teachings, you have indicated that you would rather listen to Satan than the wholesome teachings from the Bible, as they have been explained to you by God's Appointed One.
They have no clue about their own doctrines in most cases, in my opinion.
The rank and file dont care about any date
They have no clue about their own doctrines in most cases
This seems to be true. We used to be immersed in what we believed and why. We would discuss and debate prophecy as friends and could defend every detail of doctrine with proof texts.
Now the only doctrine they need to remember is - "obey".
It's a shock to the system when some issue that was big to us (such as the 607/1914 connection) means nothing at all to JWs we know.
Maybe that was the issue that first woke us up... or the straw that broke the camel's back.
Perhaps it's because the GB is changing "the truth" with "new light" so often now that JWs find it safer NOT to try to understand the rationale for what they believe.