Who has experienced a REAL demonic incident?

by Monsieur 418 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Monsieur

    Has anybody here experienced a bonafide, real, true incident in whicy 'demons' actually interacted with you or did something 'supernatural' that left you convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that satan and his demons exist??

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Nope. Nobody ever has. Demons aren't real.

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  • Bella15

    Not an experience as you describe ... for me knowing what the Watchtower CORPORATION is and how stands against Jesus it is really demonic to me. When I found out the truth about the Watchtower I could see Satan written all over them ... and that's spooky my friend...

  • heathen

    I know people that don't believe or never experienced it will try to be all knowing and insist other problems are the cause but once again will stick my neck out since the last time I made mention and say yes. Most of my life I've encountered them ,visually seeing spirits . even more recent lately . Seems like sitings are intermitent .

  • Honesty

    The SMURF that stood up during the Service meeting one Thursday night, yelled, "I've heard enuff

    of this shit." and ran out the door.

    Just kiddin'

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  • TotallyADD

    Years ago with another elder I went over to a elderly sisters house because she said she heard rattling in her kitchen cabinets. We looked and saw nothing then we prayed with her to stop those demons. Next day she called and her cabinets was laying on the floor. It turn out to be termites was in her walls eating away. Proof that demons work in mysterious ways. Totally ADD

  • ballistic

    People have told me loads of stuff that they have seen, but I've never seen it myself. It's always second hand evidence.

  • Tylinbrando

    When I was in high school on a class trip to a ski resort, one of my classmates whos Grandma claimed to be "of the annointed" flew accross the room about 10 to 12 feet over a set of single beds and crashed into the wall.

    Scared the crap out of me.

    I realize now that kid was just super athletic...

  • RayPublisher

    " There are more things in heaven and earth , Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

    (Hamlet Act 1 scene 5)

    When people pose these questions if we don't believe or have an interest in them, why be negative, or make fun of them? Why not just click on?

    Some very intelligent people believe in aliens, out of body experiences, channeling, ghosts, etc. I personally am a skeptic and will be happy to believe it when I actually see it.

    As Shakespeare said, there are many things out there that we do not fully understand and have not "explained away" to this day and perhaps we never will.

  • BU2B

    How can anyone be so dogmatic to say demons, or spirit entities DONT exist? You dont know they dont, and millions have seen spirits, ghosts etc. How presumptuous it is to say so sure that they DONT!! Just because you havent had an encounter and dont personally believe in anything outside the physical dimension, does not mean that spirits do or dont exist.

    I personally choose to question everything and have an open mind. Open to the Idea we dont know everything there is to know about reality and the nature of the universe and life itself.


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