Interesting experience last night

by Gojira_101 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gojira_101

    I was hired to interpret for a Church event in a neighboring town last night. I did have a brief moment of thinking Demon's would be jumping out to get me as I walked through the front doors of the Church, hahahaha, not really, but it did feel awkward at first and I stuck very close to the other interpreter who asked me to help her. I was definitely out of my comfort zone.

    Anyway last night I met James Walker from the Watchmen Fellowship. Very nice man! After his talk was finished I ended up talking to him for a good hour. I told him I was an ex-JW, and his eyes lit up! I can't say everything we talked about because it was a lot, but he wanted me to contact him about possibly doing some talks/activism relating to JW's. Which is something I wanted to do anyways, so I might have my connection now to get my foot in the door. The other interpreter I was with actually knows my story about leaving and knows what a hard time I've been having....and she has always been telling me that God has a when we were driving back home she told me..."I think God's plan is becoming clearer now for you. Maybe God wants you to help JW and ex-JW's"

    It was funny though because at first he was trying to "help" me by explaining some of the basic things wrong with WTBT$ and several times when he was talking I would interrupt his sentence and finish it. I told him many times "I know! I know everything about WTBT$" I don't think he has ever met anyone who has been out of WTB$ for such a short time that has a good grip on reality. He asked if I was df'ed and I told him no and he was very nice in explaining how my family will shun me...etc. I started laughing and said....."it already happened. When they found out I was inactive they all pushed me out and called me an at this point MR. Walker, I have nothing to lose. They all think I'm an apostate, so what if I start traveling to do talks about JW's if they find out. What will change? They already don't talk to me."

    It was interesting and I hope things work out so I can help people. Really even though I lost my family, if I can help someone else's family or just help someone else...I would be happy. That is the bigger picture in my mind. That is really the only reason I come on JWn, to help those who are struggling with leaving or trying to leave, and also when I'm going through a hard time so I can get some help from all of you It would be great if I can do something on a larger scale now.

    Thanks for reading!


  • Giordano

    I hope this works out for you....speaking to groups....educating others. Since your relatively newly out your perspective will be appealing. And of course....good luck!

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Your imaginary friend doesnt have a plan for you. There, just thought I'd point out the blindingly obvious.

  • RayPublisher

    You GO Gojira!

  • tornapart

    Good for you Gojira! I hope it goes well for you... keep us posted!

  • LisaRose

    That is great Gojira. I dont think I have ever seen anyone go so quickly from true believer to Ex JWActivist.I was out for eight years before I ever went on JWN, and after 13 years I am just now able debate with JW apologists, or talk to dubs when they come to my door. I don't know if God has a purpose for us per se, but I do think that we are at our best when we become open to opportunities to help out our fellowman human beings. We all have our gifts to bring to the world, and bringing those gifts can make us feel a connection and a sense of purpose that is very rewarding.

    As a former Witness, you could be very helpful to those who are trying to break free, I think it is great that you wish to do so. Although I am not sure I believe in the God of the bible, I would never ridicule those who do believe in him. Many times in my life I have seen wonderful things happen because I was open to possibilities and followed my intuition, and I did feel something outside of the physical realm was at work.Don't pay attention to skeptics, just keep seeking your purpose and you will be fine.

  • mouthy

    Great news ..Sounds like the way I started speaking at groups. A Christian spoke to me once I told him about
    JWs He asked me to give my testimony at His Church.I did...Have spoken at so many now I cant remember,But
    the money they donated helped me to run a support group for exjws for over 800.Go to as many Churches to
    give YOUR testimony //GOOD LUCK & May the LORD guide,lead, & direct you....

    I am to old to remember LOL!!!

  • Phizzy

    Grace was the pioneer ! Gojira can follow in her footsteps.

    I am sure that much good comes from such things, most good church people simply do not realise what a nasty viscious cult the JW/WT religion is, and if one of their friends or family was in danger of being sucked in, they would not know to warn them, and how to warn them.

    The new "interested person" is warned in typical cult fashion that family and friends will oppose, so when it happens it makes the JW's look like true prophets !

    You will be able to explain this and many other things.

    Good luck !

  • Fernando

    In my 40 years of door knocking no one ever shared the gospel with me at their door!

    So I like to share my testimony of how I eventually was made aware of the gospel.

    I was asked to explain what the gospel is in one word!

    That is how simple it is to point a lost Watchtower follower in the right direction.

    I was granted the free gift of faith early on in this journey.

    I relentlessly pursued the "unabridged gospel" in the Watchtower library. I spent around a 1,000 hours a year for 3.5 years. It then became clear that there is nothing that the Watchtower Sanhedrin and Pharisees secretly hate and fear more - despite what may be written in their own publications.

    "The truth of the Good News" (Gal 2:5,14) set me and my family free from the Watchtower, self-righteousness and spiritual blindness.

    (Why does the "true religion" secretly blind its followers to the "Good News" according to Paul, Moses, Isaiah and Psalms?)

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Witness My Fury said: Your imaginary friend doesnt have a plan for you. There, just thought I'd point out the blindingly obvious

    ADCMS: Not once did Gojira say God had a plan for her. The person she was working with made that comment, not Gojira, and Gojira didn't indicate agreement or disagreement with what her friend said.

    Your sarcastic jab at Gojira had nothing to do with her experience.

    There, just thought I'd point out the blindingly obvious.

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