Camelot and the Cult of Cool as the world circled the drain

by Terry 15 Replies latest social current

  • Terry

    Dwight David Eisenhower's nickname was "Ike". As in, "I like Ike". I grew up under his administration which was chiefly known for lots of golf played by the Commander in Chief and a warning against the military industrial complex. Other than that, Ike was not an able politician. Having been an outstanding General did not prepare him for the total lack of cohesiveness among branches of Legislative partisans. They couldn't take an "order".

    The culture shock, as I recall, of going from an old white guy to a handsome 40 year old with a charismatic wife was a shot of adrenaline to the Youth Culture in America. JFK and Jackie changed the world chiefly through the cult of cool and the illusion of the "Best and the Brightest".

    The Bay of Pigs fiasco made Kennedy look weak and feckless so the face-off over Russian installations of ballistic nuclear missles became necessary to redeem his standing.

    With the bullet in Dallas putting an end to Camelot the conniving liar L.B.J. ruined the world and turned the U.S. into Hawks vs Doves, Old vs Young and we've never recovered from his feckless ruinations.

    If you are under 40 you've only known hatred against George W. Bush as an example of polarization in the electorate. But, after L.B.J.'s Viet Nam escalations it was inevitable that a canny Dick Nixon would be the result of the backlash on Democrats.

    L.B.J. pushed Civil Rights legislation to the max and made it impossible for American to ever unite again because of Robert McNamara's prosecution of the war. Democrats and Republicans were never more divided or vicious to each other after L.B.J.

    Tricky Dick Nixon was a haunted intellectual reared as a Quaker and just as duplicitous as any JW elder. He put the cork in the bottle when it came to public respect for the office of President.

    This was my lifetime. It was soooooo different before 1962.

    Today, people spout canned talking points and use red herrings of ageism and racism to barge through the pretense of having a legitimate idea.

    The problem with our world isn't race or how old you are. The problem is there are no core values based on anything other than emotional claptrap

    and what use to be called intellectual is now merely pretension and ideology.

    It is better to be cool than smart, alas!

    Today's party leaders wouldn't know a legitimate idea or argument if it landed on their roof at midnight.

    The default to logic and reason is mere finger pointing and ad hominem rhetoric disguised as debate.

    I'm surprised anybody can stand anything even vaguely reeking of politics or sociology. They are counterfeit "sciences" and illegitimate launching pads for neuroses dressed up to look like ethical concerns.


  • BizzyBee

    You're spending too much time on "media" - the 24-hour news cycle.

    Browse the library and read a good book with some depth.

  • Terry


  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    Terry thanks for that you make some good points Merle Haggard sings a good song called Where did America go?

    The problem is the same in the UK there is no substance anymore it's all about hidden agenda it's all got too complex. I think it was Churchill who said after WW2 that it wasn't as easy to see the solutions and the way forward . Maybe it's the fault of the media not clearing the fog. I think it's the Government giving us too much spin and telling us too many times what is good for us.

  • JeffT

    Terry, I was pretty young during Ike's tenure, but I became more political aware after that. I hated LBJ for his big push in Vietnam, Nixon was a character out of a Shakespearean tragedy: a potentilally great man brought down by his internal demons. Absent Watergate, universal healthcare in this country would probably be celebrating its 40th birthday sometime in the near future.

    On the whole, the sixties and seventies were some of the most divisive times in the history of the country. People talked about civil war and took it seriously. George Wallace picked up 46 electoral votes in the '68 election!

    I agree that nobody stands for anything other than self-promotion these days.

    You're spending too much time on "media" - the 24-hour news cycle.

    Browse the library and read a good book with some depth.

    1) WTF does that mean?

    2) Considering the "depth" of your typical posts I would suggest taking your own advice before telling others what to do.

  • BizzyBee

    Did I step on your toes, Jeff? It was just a suggestion. Sometimes we get nothing but sound-bites day-to-day and I find that reading something more solid - history, biography, commentary - is a good counter-point. Sorry.

  • JeffT

    Yes, you did. I get virtually all of my information (and the only part I give any credence to) from printed material of one sort or another. I watch news on TV for the pictures, if any. I get tired of certain parties on this board making assumptions about how people they disagree with obtain there information. I read Terry's post as a comparison of what he recalls from day's gone by, with what he sees now. (which happens to match my perceptions). I found the comment that he should go read a book condesending and disrespectful.

  • Berengaria
    On the whole, the sixties and seventies were some of the most divisive times in the history of the country. People talked about civil war and took it seriously.
    I dunno, 1861-1865 was pretty contentious
  • Berengaria
    If you are under 40 you've only known hatred against George W. Bush as an example of polarization in the electorate.

    Not really. First off, "hatred" is rather hyperbolic. Disagreement, lack of respect, etc. yes. There was all that for Reagan. Clinton was skewered by his opponents. And of course we've seen juuuuuuuuuuust a bit of negativity directed at Obama.

    But, after L.B.J.'s Viet Nam escalations it was inevitable that a canny Dick Nixon would be the result of the backlash on Democrats.

    And yet, if truth had been known at the time Nixon never would have won. He foiled peace for his own personal political gain. How many boys died during that time, that might not have? He won the popular vote by less than 1%.

  • designs

    Remember Gore Vidal and William F. Buckley debates, or a Dick Cavett interview. Jack Paar being witty and urbane.

    Think I'll put on some Frank Sinatra vinyl LPs and get really melancholy.


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