by juanvazquez88 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Watchtower-Free


  • whathappened

    Every woman should have a husband that cares as much as you do. Welcome. This is for the best in the long run, as you will see.

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    Bienvenido paisa Juan,

    Yo estoy casado con una testigo. Nos casamos hace 19 anos. Cuando anunciamos nuestra boda su familia entera (testigos) rehuso asistir. Los ancianos prepararon un discurso cruel enfatizando que ella era "una mancha" para la congregacion. Tambien le quitaron el privilegio de hacer comentarios. Pero nunca la expulsaron. Cuando todo se calmo, los anciano le pidieron disculpas usando el texto biblico de proverbios "la luz se hace mas intensa" o algo asi. Pidieron disculpas porque el ciervo de circuito les metio una reganada. El punto es que casarse con un "pagano" no amerita expulsion, a menos que ustedes se hayan comido la torta antes del recreo, o alguna otra falta grave.


  • finally awake
    finally awake

    welcome, my spanish is limited to "donde esta el bano?" and "mas cerveza por favor" LOL

  • villagegirl

    Well assuming nobody "ate the cake before recess" ( translation from Google, have no idea what it means)

    All you need is LOVE, try to cure her of this Watchtower dependence.

    Try to help her get rid of her attachment to this ridiculous Watchtower .

    She has been told the Watchower has "special knowledge"

    like religious "secrets", that no one but Jehovah's Witnesess

    understand. The Catholic Church teaches you about burning in hell fire.

    The Bible says when you die, your soul dies also, unless

    you are transferred directly into heaven, or you are dead till God

    resurrects you back to life on earth in a paradise.

    This is a doctrine she thinks was invented by the Watchtower

    who claim to have a group of men who are the only ones God is talking to.

    Seriously, thats what this religion is about.

    A group of 8 old men in New York City who live in a big

    building and called themselves " the faithful and discreet slave"

    Very much like the POPE who claims to be the Vicar of Christ on earth.

    In fact; exactly the same, except there are 8 men in what they call the

    "governing body". All they teach, about no-hell, no trinity, ( Jesus and God

    being separate beings ) these doctrines they copied from a North American religion

    called Adventist. The Jehovah's Witnesess are obsessed with doomsday,

    the end of the world, Armaggedon, the destruction of the people in the world ,

    leaving only them on the planet. Its about Death, destruction, fear, and

    calculations about when this will happen.

    They do nothing for anybody, they have no help for the poor or the sick,

    no hospitals, no orphanges, no schools, no missions to feed the hungry,

    The Witnesses do nothing except pass out magazines, read the magazine,

    study the magazine and pass out more magazines and wait for

    the end of the world. They do not celebrate birthdays, Christmas,

    Easter, New Years, or encourage their children to go to college.

    There are other churches she could go to. Try the Adventists.

  • *lost*

    Welcome. After the storm comes the sun .

    There are many good people here who will help you.

    Tell your wife the WT is the house of the Devil in disguise.

    She has had a lucky escape. ( Not anti-God, some of us still believe in God, which is also why we left )

  • ABibleStudent

    Bienvenidos juanvazquez88, I am sorry that your wife is a JW. Does she sometimes seem to have two persona's. An authentic persona that you fell in love with and another persona that you tolerate? If she does, then you need to read Steve Hassan's books (i.e., "Combatting Cult Mind Control", "Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves", and (his latest book) "Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs"), visiting his website, and/or watching his videos. Reading Steve Hassan's books helped me to understand why a former friend, who is a "Spiritually Strong" JW behaves the way she does because the WTBTS uses BITE control techniques to victimize JWs.

    If you want to help your wife to improve her critical thinking skills, research mind control, plan how to lovingly and slowly help your wife, show your wife how much you love her, introduce your wife to non-JWs who she may share common interests, show your wife that the World is wonderful outside fo the WTBTS, and post on JWN to vent your frustrations instead of at your wife. Best of wishes for you helping your wife to critically think again. Don't tell her that the WTBTS is a dangerous cult - which it is. Let her come to that conclusion on her own.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Jaidubdub


  • Bangalore

    Welcome Juan.


  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Welcome Juan.

    Just Lois

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