It's the same old story with Watchtower, even at the local level.
My mother has to drive a slightly uncomfortable distance to her Kingdom Hall in affluent suburbia. She doesn't mind because the neighborhoods are nice and she sticks to main streets, but she is coming home by herself late on Thursday night. (She is married to an unbeliever.) Her Kingdom Hall is beautiful, been remodeled a few times sparing no expenses and is fully paid for. There's typically 3 congregations (2 foreign language) using the hall.
Well, another congregation in another affluent suburban area even further away has an old Kingdom Hall that's also fully paid for with the same typical 3 congregations. (I say "typical" because over several years, the numbers change when those congregations relocate for various reasons.) The folks at that Kingdom Hall could easily swallow the cost of remodeling, even at Watchtower's inflated costs for the volunteers.
Someone in their infinite wisdom of forethought wants to sell these two properties and roll the money over into buying new land that they can build a huge double (or more) Kingdom Hall on. Of course, they would have to take out a new loan from WTS to finance the massive building.
I imagine for it's age, my mother's hall is owned by the local congregation. Probably true of the other hall.
When it's built halfway between the areas, my mother would have to drive at least twice as far to stay in her congregation. I suggested she drive the opposite way (east) to a completely different hall that would be closer than that, but still further than her current hall. She hesitated because that one is not in the most affluent suburbs, but then she thought about it and figured she might go south, instead of west or east, to yet another older hall that is bought and paid for. Then she went through the agonizing cult thinking that it wasn't really what "the brothers" would want. I am pretty sure she will go back and forth on this for years, regardless of where she actually drives.
At least she talks to me about her life and her JW problems and listened when I told her she is free to raise questions and ask about "just staying where we are happy" when the congregation uses their local needs time to discuss this. NO- she won't raise her hand and question the brothers. But she will remember what I said when she sees them just railroad this plan through for the good of the organization.