I'ma watch some TV I have recorded ... a good dose of Judge Judy will make me relax. I sure wish I had her on my side! :))
I apologize, and will .
by talesin 28 Replies latest jw friends
hey, Tal. Sounds like you've got a plan. Hang in.
Thinking of you with good thoughts
Talisen, I hope you get this resolved, it must be hard to be in that much pain with no meds. I have fibromyalgia and pain issues also. I am fortunate that I do get pain meds, but overall this has been a nightmare. I developed this pain problem in the middle of a stressfull out of staye move,My first doctor didn't even diagnose my condition, even though it was obvious, even I knew what I had. He just ran a lot of expensive tests and told me there was nothing more he could do for me. Then I had to start over in my new area, I had to go to a military treatment facility, another nightmare of incompetence, and stupidity. I have found a physical therapist that deals with my issue, but my insurance will not pay for it and it's $225 a visit. It's penny wise and pound foolish, as the pain clinic and medication cost $300 a month, and is not curing my problem just treating the symptoms. I have come to accept I will probably live with this the rest of my life, but at the same time I will keep seeking an answer.
Sometimes I get frustrated and wonder if how long I want to live like this. But I try to stay positive and not feel sorry for myself. My life is pretty great except for this one thing. I try to remember that others have it worse than I do, that is just life. I have a small business that is my passion, I am lucky to do what I love. I have a great husband who understands when I am grumpy because of pain.
Take care, I will be thinking of you. I know you dont believe in God, but I hope you dont mind if I say a prayer for you. I recently began to pray again, and it helps me, even if I am not sure God exists, I do believe in the power of thoughts.
I'm sorry you feel so badly -- chronic pain is exhausting and depressing. And limited mobility can get pretty depressing, too. I hope you feel better soon.
Tal, we could all use a bit of Judge Judy right about now. I'd love to hear her take on recent events here, lol. Sounds like the media, some news programs would be a good idea. I hope you found some relief tonight. Xx
I'm sorry for your pain ((LisaRose)). My best friend has fibro that was controlled for about 10 years or so. Just this last year she is beside herself in pain for days and days on end. I feel helpless.
wishing you all a restful night, and better tomorrow.
still thinking
I've only just noticed this thread tal....((((Big huge bear hugs))))
Black Sheep
**** wishes he wasn't on the other side of the planet ****
(((((((hugs Tal))))))