Just what is imminent?
"Daaaaad, the mowing of the yard is imminent!"
"Chillllllllldren...desert is imminent. Eat your ground beef carcus and go to bed!"
"Brethren, based on our holy, eminent men in the GB, Armageddon is imminent! So I'll pay my church offerings by the time we begin to see it."
"Alright kids, time to start making your Christmas lists. You guys know what you're getting this special holiday? Let's all close our eyes. Eyes all closey, closey, artichokey? Now what do you see? That's right. Nuthin'! And don't forget to tell your little friends that there is no Santa Claus! That's what God wants you to do!"
Besides, how would a GB member know how imminent such things were? They repeatedly say they don't receive revelation and they deny they're apostles (which means "sent ones").