Its the reverse of what the wt taught us.
by Satanus 70 Replies latest jw friends
Its the reverse of what the wt taught us.
Jonesy said
I listened to my small voice the last time I spoke to my mother. My mother accused me of not caring about her and my father. That way she said it was nasty and meant to hurt. After she said it I paused for two seconds and in those seconds decided that a nasty retort wasn't necessary. After I got off the phone with her I really thought about what my mother was actually saying to me. What she actually meant was she was afraid that I didn't care for her the way she wanted me to. And on some level she's right. I cannot love my mother the way she wants me to. I cannot be her doormat. I cannot put her first. I cannot live my life the way she wants me to. I will not leave my husband for her. What I can do is see her for who she really is and listen really listen to my small voice when it tells me that I am not evil selfish person my mother tells everyone else that I am. I don't have to let her push my buttons.
Well said. J. You also spoke for me more than you know.
A good thread.
Doesn't this saying or phrase come from the Mormons? B. Young wants to know what to do and asks J. Smith . Smith replies to listen to the still, quiet voice within.
I love the small quiet voice. I was thinking as I read through the posts, one of the "loudest" quiet voices came to me the day I left the JW's. Nothing was premeditated, never considered in a million years I would never be JW. But listening to the comments during a WT study no different than any other WT study, suddenly a voice in my head that was so loud it seemed audible, said to me "you don't belong here. they don't want you here. you will never be good enough." The reprecussions of what that would mean for me flashed through my mind just like the seconds before death they say your life does. It didn't matter to me strangely. That was my last meeting, I never went back.
The small quiet voice is powerful and usually right I have found.
I remember the gestault reaction I had to hearing David Splane for the first time at a SAD. I knew I was in the presence of crazy.
There are several voices. Probably four.
Voice 1 The quiet squeaky voice that tells you not to rock the boat. The excuse maker. Your inner mouse.
Voice 2 The demon voice that tells you to get your share no matter what the consequences. Your inner rat.
Voice 3. The god voice that tells you what society wants of you. The shoulds and oughts of conscience. May actually sound like your mother and father talking to you. That's your conscience.
Voice 4. The voice of reality that tells the other three voices to STFU and just let you look around before going any further. It's the WIGO voice = What Is Going On
Living w those voices must be interesting. Perhaps, your inner cat would take care of the inner mouse and the inner rat voices. Course, the inner meow would still be there...
I Happen to be an American who is of African descent
When I had my Bible study , the word slave came up repeatedly
and each time it came up, I felt an ucomfortable twinge in my backside
But the sister who conducted the Bible Study was also black
and she kept explainin' that I shouldn't think of bein' a slave as a bad thing
and from the WTS litrature , she continued to brainwash me into thinkin'
God wants obedient slaves, and how a good slave will be hard at work
when the master arrives
When it came time to decide where my daughter would go to college
that's when she started sayin' bad things about goin' to college
and that it was a spiritual endangerment
Once again, I had a sharp twing in my backside
because slaves in the past were forbidden to be educated also
You see, That pain in my backside came from a source that kicked me every time I felt that twinge
And when I came to my senses, It was not a small quiet voice, but a loud one that said
Told ya !!!
Now didn't I tell ya !!!! But did ya listen !!!!!
Told ya !!!!!
It was when I put down the WTS literature . And read from the bible alone
that's when I found out that from Jesus own words that a slave could rise above
their station in life and did not always have to remain as such
John 15: 14-15
" You are my friends if you do what I am commanding you. I no longer call you slaves, because a slave does not know what his master does. But I call you friends, because all the things I have heard from my Father I have made known to you."
That is a scripture that i have liked for a few yrs. It is ignored by many christians and all cults. It speaks about equality among people. As well, and this is the point, it speaks about humans on the level of friends w jesus, who is supposed to be god. Take that as far as you want.
Anyhow, your inner voice didn't fail you. You eventually heard it, although, it was always there.
I've got one voice telling me to stay in this organisation despite what I know and what I feel so that I don't lose my family.... the other voice is telling me to leave. I don't know which voice to listen to....