Good article on CNN, When religious beliefs become evil. 4 signs
by wha happened? 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Great article Wha. Thanks for the link.
wha happened?
Jonsey, what the heck u doing up so early?
I saw it and it of course, struck a cord. The truth is obvious to anyone, except dubs
Men, in order to do evil, must first believe that what they are doing is good.
-Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Interesting read, thanks, Wha. As you say - obvious to us now.
My youngest kid woke me up Wha.
great read
John Stefanyszyn
As per Mr. John Blake , CNN Belief Blog, April 28,2013..."To label someone or something as evil is to demonize it, putting it in a category of otherness where the rules of normal life do not apply, where the end often justifies almost any means," Jacobson writes.
And when we do that, we don’t have to read about radical imams or look at angry YouTube videos to see how easy it is for someone to drift toward religious extremism, he says.
We need only look at ourselves."
Mr. Blake, your conclusion speaks the truth... but do you consider it also to apply to the belief (way of life = one's true "religion") in "Freedom", a way of life (a "religion") which dictates that it is right to be free to worship any god, any lifestyle, any happiness that man justifies for one's self-interest to be a "right"?
In the name of "Freedom" President Bush spoke of the "axis of evil". Did he not then demonize any way of life which rejects "freedom of self-rights"?
President Obama has declared that "freedom is the light" and that it is the "mark of liberty". He has declared that the story of the Passover is about freedom and that his god's will is "freedom".
Has not the USA and its supporters imposed economic sanctions (sieges) on nations that do not embrace "freedom of rights"?
Has not the USA gone to war in the name of the religion of "freedom"? the name of "freedom of self-rights" man justifies fornication, abortion, ownership of guns, men's rights, women's rights, gay rights, religious rights, atheist rights, speech rights, pornography rights, prostitution rights, criminal rights...etc.
Is not Obama and the USA, and other nations, advancing this "god of fortresses" of "freedom" into the Holy Land and the middle east...inspiring and supporting the fighting and dying for freedom and the overthrow of "rulers and kings".
The belief / way of life ("religion") of "freedom" dictates that it is right to be free to worship any god...thus denying the preeminence and the unique identity of the ONE who gave us existence and who gave us the ONLY WAY through Christ His Son for eternal existence.
The way of freedom serves and supports only the interests of the "self".....and as seen in the world people can justify anything to be "right in their own eyes".....and as you clearly summarized in your words "We need only look at ourselves.".
The Way of the One Creator God serves the interest of true good for the other, society, supporting existence and life and eternal life. There can be only one way which is true and good....and it is defined by the One Who gave us existence and by Christ the One Who sacrified his life for our errors....and His resurrection and return as the ONE KING is a reality, which man will not accept...for he loves his "religion of freedom" as his first love.
Christ said to repent, to change, to come out of the "way of the world"...for His judgement will be just as per the Will and One truth of the One God.
Thanks for posting this WH. We've all experienced these 4 warning signs. I think it is important that people understand these and can have the fortitude to realize when their religion has begun to exhibit these.
Here arefour warning signs:
1. I know the truth, and you don’t.
2. Beware the charismatic leader.
3. The end is near.
4. The end justifies the means.
Great article. Dubs have 3 out of 4 anyway.