Thank you , LL - I know you helped me out a couple times, and a belated thank you for that.
I know I have faced my share of JW moral challenges that I didn't run away from and I cheer when I see a poster on the forum meet those challenges head on, instead of fading into the shadows. Silence is what the WT leaders want and shunning is the tool they use to keep the collar and chain on the necks of JWs who want to leave the KH.
That being said, the news media doesn't find stories about JW cruelty and mid control worth very many column inches of news print. I think they subconsciously feel that any JW who has trouble leaving the KH has it coming-ie, a just punishment for waking everyone up on Saturday morning at 9:30AM.- The old, adage, you reap what you sow, is the sword hanging over the neck of any JW who walks out of the KH. I wish public education about the WT publishing scam-religion could make it easier for JWs to leave the KH, but in my 25 years of work it seems like ex-JWs are having more trouble, not less.
Good luck on your new projects.