Hi March On, I'm happy you're here.
I left the Borg when there was no support group for exJWs as well. I always had one foot in and one foot out in the first place, but I was surprised at myself for some of the knee-jerk reactions I had that I caught myself doing and thinking. It was automatic. I'm sure you'll find yourself saying, thinking, and doing things without thinking because the JW programming is so strong. And that's you first job, too, to unlearn the automatic JW programmed responses to every situation in life. After I found myself engaged in knee-jerk reactions a few times, I slowed way, way down before opening my mouth. I literally had to learn to think for myself again, like a person who has been laid up in the hospital for a long, long time has to learn to walk again. Take it slowly. You'll be fine.
I suppose you are aware that an immediate danger facing you and all others coming out of a cult have to face. And that danger is becoming re-involved with another, but different, cult. I spent some time as a cult deprogrammer, and I can't tell you how many people I met that had left the JWs and pretty soon joined up with the Moonies, or the Mormons, or something. So this is a clear and present danger for you and I wanted to point it out, even though you may already be fully aware of it. I always recommend that the newly free help insure they stay that way by reading "The True Believer," by Eric Hoffer. It's a small book, but it explains very much about cults and other mass movements and how they work and why, and about who joins and why. It's a must read for newbies.
I do hope you'll stick with us, we need you and your fresh perspective. A newbie posting here is worth their weight in gold.
See ya 'round.