We'll all be naked in the New System but neckties will still be mandatory for brothers at the meetings. (extra long and extra wide ones and a tie pin to hold them in place)
There won't be any tears or pain so when you're walking through paradise and a Coconut falls out of a tree onto your noggin, you'll just keep on going. The blood will dry up and your dented skull will just repair itself.
Everyone's bodies will be perfect but some of the sisters will still think theirs aren't as good as everyone elses.
We're going to live on other planets....what else are they for ??
We will live forever but our much anticipated and much loved pet Lions, Dolphins and Polar Bears will die every so often. Again....no tears over this on our part.
Everyone's homes will be painted Watchtower issued yellow with green trim. No individualism or trying to stand out from others by being creative or unique.