Cognitive Dissonance is a GOOD THING. Cognitive Dissonance is a GOOD THING. I think we all should just say this over and over and over until the whole ex JW community gets it straight. I have had this same discussion so many times and still some people get it in their heads that cognitive dissonance is somehow a negative thing. I really don't know why.
So let's just break it down sloooowwwwly.
Cognitive. Is there anything wrong or bad with cognitive? What does it mean? It means of the mind or of the brain. A cognitive process is one that takes place in the mind or brain. Thinking for example is a cognitive process, and thinking is good. Cognitive processes are good. they are evidence that someone is alive and their brain works. Cognitive-ugh-good. Fire-ugh - good.
Dissonance. Good or bad? This might be where the confusion gets in. Dissonance in music is when two sounds or notes are poorly paired and make a sound that is not pleasing. When someone plays the guitar and plays a dissonant note, everyone goes eeewww. Dissonance in music, bad. Unless you are listening to a composer, and there are many, who can make dissonant sounds spound good, like Frank Zappa or Nels Cline.
Now, there is dissonance in all sorts of things. Dissonance in society, means that many people are not agreeing. Dissonance in nuts and bolts would mean that the bolts don't fit the nuts. Dissonance in food would be when two foods do not go well together.
So cognitive dissonance should be bad then right? No.
Cognitive dissonance is when you NOTICE that two things do not agree. If your brain does not NOTICE there is dissonance in a thought, then for you, there IS NO DOSSONANCE. Everything is just fine and you smile and sink back into your chair and watch Little House on the Prarie.
Cognitive dissonance is when you NOTICE that two things do not agree. If your brain does not NOTICE there is dissonance in a thought, then for you, there IS NO DOSSONANCE. Everything is just fine and you smile and sink back into your chair and watch Little House on the Prarie.
If you FEEL cognitive dissonance in your brain, then that is a sign that it is taking place and you NOTICE it. You are not dead. You notice dissonance in your head. What do you do when you notice dissonance in your head? Take a shot gun and blow it off? Read more Watchtowers until it all goes awayt? Call the elders and have them pray for you? Go out in service? Pick up a book that deals with cognitive dissonance and learn what it means, read a book that directly deals with the thing you are feeling dissonance about, like whether or not the Watchtower made false prophecies, whetheror not the blood issue is supported by science and external sources outside the Watchtower, web sites that feature criticism of Jehovah's Witnesses.
All of those things would be ways to EASE your dissonance, because, just as in music, dissonance is hard to tolerate for very l;ong. But some of the things I listed, while they might make you feel better, they are more like treating the symptoms than treating what is actually wrong, the disease.
Cognitive dissonance is natural, a natural process of the brain. Another word for cognitive dissonance is: thinking. Yes, cognitive dissonance is thinking. It is thinking how two things don't quite add up. You must solve the puzzle, or you must down a bunch of pills to make you forget there is a puzzle there at all.
If you are on this site, you are here due to cognitive dissonance. It brought you here in an effort for you to ease the dissonance in your brain, not by pacifying it, but by investigating its roots and causes so that you can bring your brain back in harmony, ike in music, with your beliefs and the experiences of your body, social life, relgious beliefs and so on.
Who is this guy? Hey dude, who do you think you are. What are you so smart? why the large print? Why the condescention? you are a jesrki. Just trying to stay ahead of all the criticisms I am likely to get for this post. But I do know what the fuck I am talking about. I have a college degree in language and liuteracy. Yes, I can provide sources ands shit. No I probably won't do it cuz I don't care.