Too bad for them, I registered to vote for 2010. And I voted in 2010, before realizing all elections are rigged. You have the Re-PUKE-licans that stand for Christi-SCAM-ity (the good Republicans are all weeded out by voter fraud so you don't get a chance to put one in office), and the DUMP-o-CRAPs. Those are tied to communism, the twin of Christ-SCAM-ity. Good Democrats, like good Republicans, who are not tied to communism are weeded out through voter fraud.
Yet, that did not stop me from at least registering. What am I going to do, unregister when they decide that I have to go back (Saturn in Sagittarius is strong in that)? I don't think so. I will not even un-predict things using astrology, such as the coming demise of the dollar (Neptune 9 degrees Pisces, April 17 through August 10, 2015 and again starting early February 2016) with Saturn in Sagittarius. And if I am unwilling to un-predict this, what are they going to do about my registering to vote?