Interesting statement made by CO. Is this new?

by stillin 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stillin

    in his first talk of the week the CO mentioned that people don't get DF'd for joining the military or registering to vote because they are already gone, as compared with smoking secretly, which WOULD merit df'ing.

    i have been toying around with registering to vote in the next election (US) so this intrigues me.

  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake

    No that's always been. Joining the military is considered an act of disassociation. it happened to my family member. Even though it's effectively the same, being disassociated and being disfellowshipped are two different things.

  • cappytan
    I don't know about registering to vote (I accidentally registered once by checking the wrong box when renewing my license), but if it becomes known that you actually voted, they will DA you. 

    Was he saying that they have disassociated themselves by those actions?


  • Chaserious

    I thought voting was a "conscience matter" now, no?

  • OneEyedJoe

    Would a CO really do that? Just go on stage and tell lies?

    I thought voting was a "conscience matter" now, no?

    In cases where it's legally required to vote JWs are encouraged to essentially make a show of going into the booth without actually voting, or writing in "Jehovah" or something.  Otherwise it isn't a conscience matter.

  • freemindfade
    Register to vote is ok Some states turning 18 it's part of something that happens. You are registered. Or eligible to vote if you chose and the same with turning 18 and turning in your military registration that says you can be drafted. Neither of these things constitute voting or joining the military. That action of being drafted or joining freely or voting will get you 86'd
  • blondie

    *** w06 7/15 pp. 30-31 Questions From Readers ***

    Gross uncleanness entails more than sexual sins. For instance, a baptized boy might smoke a few cigarettes in a short period of time and confess this to his parents. He is determined not to smoke again. This is uncleanness, but it has not escalated to the point of being gross uncleanness or “uncleanness . . . with greediness.” Scriptural counsel from an elder or two along with support from the boy’s parents should suffice. But if the boy is a frequent user of tobacco, this would be a deliberate defilement of the flesh, and a judicial committee would be convened to consider this case of gross uncleanness. (2 Corinthians 7:1) If the boy is not repentant, he would be disfellowshipped.


  • stuckinarut2

    Hey Blondie, what about smoking after a "sexual sin"?

  • WTWizard

    Too bad for them, I registered to vote for 2010.  And I voted in 2010, before realizing all elections are rigged.  You have the Re-PUKE-licans that stand for Christi-SCAM-ity (the good Republicans are all weeded out by voter fraud so you don't get a chance to put one in office), and the DUMP-o-CRAPs.  Those are tied to communism, the twin of Christ-SCAM-ity.  Good Democrats, like good Republicans, who are not tied to communism are weeded out through voter fraud.

    Yet, that did not stop me from at least registering.  What am I going to do, unregister when they decide that I have to go back (Saturn in Sagittarius is strong in that)?  I don't think so.  I will not even un-predict things using astrology, such as the coming demise of the dollar (Neptune 9 degrees Pisces, April 17 through August 10, 2015 and again starting early February 2016) with Saturn in Sagittarius.  And if I am unwilling to un-predict this, what are they going to do about my registering to vote?

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