Frankie, I've read and considered much that Russell wrote and implied. Of course my personal conclusion, the same as many others feel about Russell is just that, a personal conclusion based on the evidence. You also have to consider who his friends and supporters are/were, elitists. Speedy world depopulation is an ongoing agenda by the ruling elite of the world. They state it openly through the UN's agenda 21 program, minutes from their own meetings and their own words. You're correct that things can and are taken out of context many times to make a point, but this quote was, IMO, stating his personal feelings.
If you want a real eye opener about the agenda of this world ruling elite (of whom Russell supported and was associated) along with their banker whores, watch the documentary "The Secret of OZ on youtube ( These low lifes planned and executed the crash of '29 and the great depression. They planned and executed the two world wars years before hand. They still devise and execute the same agenda today. You will hear and see it in their own words. If you think the US government isn't a part of this same global mafia and doesn't continually lie through its teeth to fullfill the global agenda watch the documentay 9-11, In Plane Site - ( I think you can find it on YouTube. Parts of our own government planned and took down the WTC towers and attacked the Pentagon with a missle/drone; no jetliner. This is undeniable unless your cognatively dissonate. When you actually realise it to be actual fact that the entire 9-11 story was a complete fabrication by our own government it's a real shock to the system, MUCH worse than when you realised the WTS was actually a scam. You will never be the same as before. Your view of reality will forever change. Many people who see this documentary openly and angrily deny what they see and hear, cognative dissonence at its best.