Ozziepost just posted concerning the May 15 Watchtower about attending a funeral in a church. Because my subscription for the Watchtower has discontinued, I called the local KH and asked them to deliver the Watchtowers to me. This is not in the area of where they know me, but I hope none of them recognize me when they come by. I just need that article to show to my priest and how damn stupid the Witnesses are. But now I'm nervous about this and thinking maybe I should not have given them my information. Does anyone know another way to get the Watchtower. I've enjoyed showing their crazy ideas to friends from my church. I still receive the Awake in the mail, but that doesn't touch on too much doctrine crap. Any comments?
Witnesses are coming to my office
by writerpen 11 Replies latest jw friends
I've enjoyed showing their crazy ideas to friends from my church
i love it - i do the same thing here at work all the time
Check out your local laundromat. They usually always leave mags there.
Maybe being oneself is alway an acquired taste.-----PATRICIA HAMPL
Mister Biggs
Unless you go to the hall you won't get anymore JW mags.
Of course, you could ask the JW's to put you on their magazine route but once they realize you aren't "progressing" in the "truth", your name will be taken off the magazine route faster than Oprah can eat a bucket of KFC. -
Dear Writerpen... peace to you!
To corroborate what Mister Diggs asserts, perhaps you would read Revelation 13:11-17, paying close attention to verse 17, and get the 'sense' of who... or rather WHAT... it was that John 'saw'... for THIS 'generation'.
A slave of Christ,
For a while, I used the "ruse" that my husband was violently opposed to "the Truth" and would absolutely have a FIT if the JWs came to the door with magazines for me. I was able to get them in the mail for about 2 years that way.
Might be worth a try to see if it still works.
Love, Scully
I'm with Shimmer, check out you local laundry mat or go stand out at a bus stop for a little while. Also you could check out the laundry mats of apartment communities near you. You could also ask around and see if there are any witnesses at your job and asked him/her for the magazines. If him/her asks any questions just tell them you want the magazine and nothing more and to please not offer you a bible study.
I remember I had a magazine route like that, she would tell me "I just want the magazines dear, nothing more", she would sometimes give me a contribution and then close the door... hehe... she was smart.
Mr. Biggs,
Some of the more serious JWs may take him off the mag. route if he doesn't show interest but others that just want to count time and say they have a mag. route won't. If someone drops him, he'll just have to find another.
You can find some of the articles on their website:
Pretty sure you'll find them in the hospitals waiting rooms.