goodbye AAWA--good luck

by bigmac 203 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “Marvin, if you'd tried having this rather tedious little tete a tete with Cedars about 6 months ago he would have cried to the mods and Simon and (had he not already had two posters banned) likely have tried in all earnestness to have you kicked for persecution / stalking / harrassment etc?”

    Witness My Fury,

    Cedars was much offended by me several months back. I didn’t care then and I don’t care now. I’m not here to make friends or enemies. I’m here to share information and ideas as long as I’m able.

    “And I wouldnt blame him. FFS give it up man, you are looking more and more like a blithering idiot.”

    I’m glad you felt free to share that, and that you have this place to do it.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • soontobe

    Today: "AAWA accurately plumbs the opinion of Jehovah's Witnesses with an online questionnaire at an apostate website."

    Tomorrow: "AAWA miracle wheat goes on sale."

  • EdenOne

    My comment on AAWA's "Flip The Bird outside the KH" campaign:


  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer



    I’ve seen the photos you allude to but was unaware this was part of an AAWA campaign.

    If it is, I’m undecided whether it’s a good or bad idea. It’s not something I’d do. But I’m not so sure that’s a good measure. In the era we live I’ve seen so many things take off that to me were awkward/clumsy/dumb/silly/wrong yet yielded unprecedented success.

    There’s an old saying attributed to Hollywood that no press is bad press. Often it works out just like that, and seemingly against all odds.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead


    After your bloviating about the vulgarity on this board, your non-condemnation of an obscene gesture campaign on wAAWAh tells us a little of your hypocritical nature.


  • EdenOne


    I'm surprised that you're still "undecided whether it’s a good or bad idea". Common sense should tell you it's an awful idea. If you wanted any further evidence that the likes of Bo and Julia are out to make AAWA a HATE GROUP, I don't think it could get any more self-explanatory. This is actually the logical sequence to the detestable thread "We Know Who They Are", also instigated by Bo and Julia.


    Edit: There are far better ways to experience catharsis.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead


    I think you mean "miracle birds."


  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    Ah, but zed.. You are evidently not considering the historical context of the middle finger plucking the longbow and the French, which was not vulgar/obscene and CLEARLY Marvin decides on whether the context/usage of a word is vulgar or not.. (sarcasm, i know that's nonsense)

  • Simon

    I think labelling it a 'hate campaign' is a little strong!

  • Simon

    You're refering to the two-finger british archers salute (or myth)

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