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"Further clarification..."
by Dagney 18 Replies latest watchtower bible
wha happened?
wait, the number of annointed going up is a sign that it's soon?
Yes, it is going up rapidly towards 144,000, and once that is reached, big A takes place.
Guess, all those other anointed since 1914 and during the last 2000 yrs were duds, eh, hippie.
LoisLane looking for Superman
I think the Elder's wife is counting time on you. It really is hard to say though. I haven't met you personally, but to be kind and have a listening ear, when this woman wants to share her day with someone, is endearing and kind. I think it would drive me batty now. As an Elder's wife, I felt it was my responsibility, to listen whenever a publisher called me. To offer help, lend a hand, a listening ear. Now I am traumatized, and can't listen anymore.
Does the brain washed Elder husband, not realize, that this made up clarification, he believes in, is a hate crime, or at the least a "hate thought"...that 7 billion human beings, will die...so in his real time religion that promotes this fantasy, he gets to escape death and skip into an earthly paradise earth, and pet, lions and tigers and bears? Wake up - wake up - wake up people. You are being conned.
The Watch Tower Society is such a cruel, deliberate, money grabbing, sleazy operation, hiding behind a tax-free religion. Shameful.
Just Lois
Actually, there was a WT in the late 90's, I think, where it talked about the remnant not living through the GT. One sentence, you know, like they do. I ran around saying, "Do you understand what they are saying? It's the rapture! WTF!" Elders, friends at the time, just looked at me like "what do you want me to do about it?"
I don't have the time right now to research that old quote, which sounds very much like what she said the July 2013 WT says. Work is crazy right now.
You know I never thought about her counting time. I don't think so because she rarely talks about anything WT. She was not really a good friend, we met through business, and about 3 years ago she just started calling me. I told her I wasn't going to meetings, and remind her from time to time. She NEVER asks me about the DC or memorial, or anything. Through the years she has been sweet and kind. She goes off from time to time about "See...Jehober knows what we need and gives it" when something good happens, and when something bad happens it's a test from Satan. I correct her with facts every time. That stuff drives me nutty and I can't stand it.
I rarely think about anything JW, but questioning the increase of the annointed is a great suggestion... "how does that work?" Since they are all going to be zapped up to heaven, why do we need more of them? Since they are not the FDS...what do they do? Why does mankind more? They are not making any significant contributions that anybody can define I don't think. It's going to be fun to watch the number grow.
Yes Lois, the disconnect of the destruction of billions of people is frustrating. Seriously, people, (as in nonJW's), just do not matter to them. It's amazing. But I was there myself also. We told we were undeserving and special all at the same time. So it was hard to relate to people and the outside world as having worth.
Thanks for reading. That "further clarification" line that elder popped off just slayed me.
Family member is elder. He confided once that there are some who have to be onto the elders or an elder 'every 5 minutes'.. about every every thing.
Perhaps if they had learned to think and had interests outside their little box then the myriad of problems they have to have sorted out would shrink.
When a family wedding was coming up his wife had to leave the telephone 'off the hook' all day or it was answering one sr after another all pumping for gossip about the wedding.
I recall waiting at an elders for him to arrive home and another sr arrived and the convo from the verystart between the elders wife and that one was full on goss about yet another sr stay in hospital with details of her haemorhoid operation....
All the more reason for elders (and wives) to be formally educated in Interpersonal Skills.
Doug Mason
At page 8 of that WT magazine says that "it appears" the spirit-anointed (no longer part of the FDS by the way) will survive after the initial part of the Great Tribulation has started, but will depart before it develops further in Armagedon.
Maybe you could show it to her at page 26 of my analysis at:
http://www.jwstudies.com/The_Truth_Changes.pdf ( for the "Study" edition of the magazine)
or at page 26 of my analysis at:
http://www.jwstudies.com/The_Truth_Changes_in_the_simplified_Watchtower.pdf ( for the "Simplified" edition of the magazine).
Please give her a copy of my analysis.