Hi, nics, nice to 'read' you. *waves*
I have exJW friends on my facebook, but they are more than cult survivors -- we share common interests, and support each other. I belong to a few groups, but there are rarely updates about the religion .. I have at least 2 book clubs, a health-freak foodie group, a friend who's a nutritional therapist and MSW, and I am a pagan, and have two freakin' awesome groups of folks who love nature, along with my food friends - we are into nutrition for health, and eating delicious foods ..
So, I agree with the flavour of what you say,, and will share my own opinion,,, not advice, but how I see it at a middle age.
Choose to delete those you don't communicate with, and message the ones you know .. keep in touch, and decide who you trust. Trust your gut. Keep the friends, and the ones who don't really know you will never notice you are not on their feed. If they DO, then your red flags go UP, because they never noticed you before,,,
See? Being internet-savvy has a lot to do with common sense,,, so, think it through,, if you are newly out of the b'Org and don't have a lot of experience. You are not DUMB, you just need education. There is nothing shameful about that.
Put up a thread here,,, PM a moderator or ask someone you know in RL if they can help you. It's so hard to keep up with today's technology, that I am sure any IT professional on-board will agree with me .. ask for help, it's okay!