With Jehovah's HELP

by B4Right 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • B4Right

    How many times have you said that phrase?

    how often have you heard it in conversation with the friends?

    how often have you heard it in talks?

    In reality does it really have substance?

    because when things go right its Jehovah helped , if things don't go right its Satans fault is the usual reasoning.

    what has been your experience with this phrase " with Jehovah's help?

  • ducatijoe

    Many times. I recall a sister in service tell the group that she had prayed for a car and God had found her one. I asked how she will feel when is wears out or breaks down. I said if God gave someone a car wouldn't it never break or wear out?

  • prologos
    I have heard and a used a similar but weaker phrase "Jehovah willing"-- "Jw" for short.
  • stuckinarut2


    It makes a mockery of the idea of a god.

    If you get what you wanted, then "yay" praise god. If you don't, then was it that god didn't want you too?

  • DesirousOfChange

    If you get what you wanted, then "yay" praise god. If you don't, then was it that god didn't want you too?

    That's because sometimes God's answer to your prayer is "No".

    There's an excuse for everything and anything.


  • OneEyedJoe
    It's also a subtle way of reinforcing the idea that leaving the cult will result in failure in all areas of life, as you'll no longer have Jehovah's help.
  • The Searcher
    The Searcher
    Yup, God got one of the Elders in my former congregation a bungalow - while millions of other people went homeless!!
  • JamesThomas
    When we, like most people, confuse thoughts and beliefs generated by the mind as 'reality' then asking help from a imaginary deity created by ancient desert tribesmen may appear to make sense.

    However, if we have let-go all beliefs and ideas regarding a God/Truth/Source, and have awakened to the indescribably genuine and vibrant presence of Life in and around us, then there is no reason or need to reach-out to the make-believe.

  • Driving Force
    Driving Force

    I had an experience about 25 years ago, when I was new in the truth and in the pioneer service attending the pioneer school.

    All the pioneers attending the school were invited to visit a family one evening about 2 hours after the days indoctrination session. So I set off from my accommodation with three other pioneers. I was driving, and I lost my way, which was unusual for me, I looked at the map (no navs in those days) and set off again. I lost my way a second time and a third time. When I stopped after the third time I was not far off from my destination and one of the pioneers said there is sister ***, she crossed the street and got into the car, and said that I should drive on. She then explained that she was being stalked by a guy in a van who had already made verbal sexual suggestions, she prayed to Jehovah and just at that moment I turned up on the scene, and saved her, so this experience can be attributed to one of three things:

    a) angelic direction
    b) demonic direction

    c) coincidence

    Now at the time and until my fade I attribute this to "a", now I tend more towards "b", but undoubtedly its "c".



    ............With Jehovahs Help...................................I`ll Make an Egg Salad Sandwich..

    .....Image result for angry God....................Image result for egg salad sandwich


    ...................................................Satan Will Try To Stop Me!..

    ..........................................Image result for happy devil

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