So well done. Bravo. I hope people on YouTube take note.
New Video On Youtube About Shunning
by Watchtower-Free 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
If management get's their act together on AAWA they can be a great stop for the growing restless members of the Kingdom Hall admitir problemas exists in paradise!
LoisLane looking for Superman
Good video. This afternoon I was talking to my Therapist about Jehovah's Witnesses and disfellowshipping and shunning. She called it barbaric and old fashioned.
Just Lois
rip van winkle
Good video!!!
well done AAWA
Very nicely done.
Can someone make a clickable link please?
Amelia Ashton
Cedars does seem to make exceedingly good videos.
Nice work Cedars
Great video, direct and to the point without being confrontational