I agree... anyone who isn't willing to work shouldn't get unemployment. In my opinion... the best way to do that is to means test the dole (which they do in Oz). You can't receive payment until you've proven that you are actually looking for paid employment... which you are able to do (not just putting in resumes for jobs you don't have a hope in hell of getting) and that you submitting quality applications also. Makes the system fair for those who do want to work and can be easily proven by them anway.
if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either
by biometrics 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Julia Orwell
In all the congregations I've been in, pioneers usually support themselves. It's really frowned upon in my area to pioneer on the dole. The only one I know is on disability, and I think if she can pioneer on disability, she could work a simple office job.
Australia's pensions and doles are a pittance as it is, wouldn't even pay my weekly rent. To go on the dole and pioneer would b difficult in most circumstances as it's hard to get, there are lots of things you have to do ie jobseekers classes and activities, appointments, and logging a certain number of jobs applied for. An honest Christian couldn't pioneer and dodgy up the paperwork because honest Christians wouldn't lie. Another difficulty is waiting times and the fact you have to have separation letters from your last two employers. Then there's a 176 question book you must complete. It's less hassle to just get a job.
I do know old age pensioners who pioneer on their govt pension, and I don't mind that because they worked and paid their taxes. As for the other pioneers, they're usually youngsters still living with mum n dad, housewives and window washers. People who don't leech off Centrelink. I didn't think they'd accept your application if you were.
I was told by an ex jw that just before 1975 people were encouraged to go on the dole and preach full time.
The dole for a single person here is a pittance of about $250 + maybe $100 rent allowance per week but please note that a family of four can get close to $1000 per week with rent assistance and unlike some countries these benefits run for life or until that person gets a job.
That was pretty much my point (which Julia Orwell explained much better). The amount of time it takes for the mutual obligations would make it extremely difficult to pioneer as well. It's a fair system... if you want to get a job you'll do most of those activities anyway, plus you have a lot of resources available to you via the appointments.
Barry... it's more like $1000 per fortnight for a family of four... just checked through the estimator on the Centrelink website. Rent assistance is a maximum of $60 per week.
In my observation over a lifetime, 30 years, attending KH and associating
with jdubs I saw a trend, not just in places like Australia and Canada, where
welfare and disability and social housing is readily available, but in California,
the jdus were encouraged by the WT in actual Watchtower articles to take advantage
of the what the government would give them. BLONDIE where are when I need you ??
I have known families, single moms, and who are now seniors who have lived all their
lives on some form of assistance and social housing, on purpose and by design.
The WT creates a non-contributing mentality, in all aspects of what would normally
be viewed as community and social responsibility to their own country, their own
neighborhood and their own family. They are NOT thinking: get involved in community,
get an education and be productive, do community service projects, look to improve the
lives of those around you, be connected. Its just the opposite: its isolate yourself,
stay away from your neighbors, don't do any community projects with worldy people,
don't join any service organizations, don't go to college, etc etc etc
If Pioneers DO work they are doing manual labor, cleaning usually,
and this does not build a pension, buy a house create a savings account,
or leave anything to contribute to their children, their aging parents,
or charities, its hand to mouth and then what ? Social assitance in middle age.
Julia Orwell
It's sad isn't it. People who get depressed and stressed because their bodies crap out on them after years of hard labour...and it comes back to the old thi.g about discouraging education. I do remember the wt at one stage in the last decade encouraging kids to get a vocational skill like business admin or hair dressing, but too bad if you hate those things. I know from experience with work that if you punch beneath your weight ie potential, you'll get depressed from the boredom!
My hubby is now in a situation where he's busted his back, mid 40s, no post school education, no alternative skill to the unskilled heavy work he's always done, can't get the dole because e does get a little work in a shop so although severely under employed, not unemployed. If he were still an active Jw he could contrive to go on the dole somehow, have me do the main work (I get paid a lot because I'm a professional but can't do a lot of hours because of my own crapped-out body), pioneer and thank Jehovah for providing!