Michael Jackson's kids decide no more going door-to-door

by Gopher 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • james_woods
    The most stable person in the f'd up family.

    And it could well be argued that she herself is about as stable as an isolated free neutron. (half life of about 11.5 seconds)

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I remember the family. At one time several of the Jacksons would show up at the KH. Even Mikey was there once or twice, but he didn't wear a suit, and wouldn't sing. The Mom was pleasent, but definately disconnected from the real world. Insulated by the family wealth, and nutty Jackson genes.

  • ShirleyW

    Hey Wha - i guess the above description of Katherine was after she became effected with all the wealth, I wonder what kinda Dub she was when they were back in Gary, Indiana.

    I remember when the J5 played Madison Square Garden in either 70 or '71 when I was in Junior High, some friends went and brought in the program book. Even with all the pages of pictures of the brothers singing and so forth to promote the show, somehow Sis. Jackson made sure it was mentioned in the program book that they were JW's and that she and her oldest daughter (Rebbie) were pioneers.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Rebbie, or however it's spelled, seemed sorta normal for me. Her and her husband I think lived out in Thousand Oaks. I lost respect for her when she lined up with the rest of the family, and denied Mikey's sexual thirst for children. What did crack me up though was that Rebbie was on TV, defending her df'd little brother, while she was pionerring, and her husnabd was serving as an elder. NO sanction whatsoever

  • Quarterback

    Anthony Morris had announced that he hated going in the door to door ministry, during the Zone visit in Canada, last year. So it really isn't a secret.

    I hope that these children find happiness.

  • AnnOMaly

    Good for her! I'm glad she's also developing a relationship with her mother.

  • flipper

    Awesome, awesome news ! You go Michael's kids ! Break free from mind control and regain your freedom of mind ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    This article only mentioned Prince and Paris. Is Blanket Jackson still going to door-to-door?

    A pre-teen boy with long hair hanging half-way down his back going out door-to-door. That would be a sight.

  • happytobefree

    It's great how she get to decide....Would it be because her fathers estate is bringing in almost 100 million dollars a year. But I'm glad she has the freedom.

    I wish that was an option when I was growing up....I still felt the obligation until I was 26 years old. I hope other JW children will read this and at least think about preparing for freedom when they are adults.

  • trujw

    For micheal Jackson's kids say they don't want to look like weirdos. Did anyone else catch the irony? Lol jdubs are weirder than never land go figure.

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