Heartwarming JW Facebook Comment

by exwhyzee 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Oubliette

    Um, if Jehovah could answer the prayer of a little boy, why didn't he just keep the kid's parents from being killed in the first place?

    Also, I'm thinking a 6 or 7 year old child born and raised in Vietnam wouldn't be able to speak English.

    I'm calling bullshit on the whole "experience!"


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    or save starving and violated people in Darfur? Seriously, this whole praying to God for help fallacy is for the mental patients. I just can't see how a person praying to meet their time while pioneering one month gets cuts in line over someone in prison getting tortured on a daily basis.

    Sell crazy elsewhere, we're all full up here.

  • hamsterbait

    When I last heard that steaming pile - back in the 80s, it was a little girl, and she spotted the little blue "Truth" book.

    I cannot see why jehoobie would manipulate adoption procedures so a child gets witless parents, whist simultaneously watching parents elsewhere watching a dubbie kid bleed to death with the consent of its JW parents.


  • Kallam

    And have you seen what Detroit looks like these days? What kind of loving God would allow THAT to happen?

  • bigmac

    well lets just hope that lucky little boy doesnt need a blood transfusion one day-----

  • tiki

    just another thought - where was the loving congregation when these children were orphaned? why did not someone local endeavor to take them in and keep them in their environs?

    the first version of this one i heard was actually the little girl and the old blue truth book....now updated/revised to vietnam and the bible storybook....next will be an ethiopian child and some current publication....

  • MrFreeze

    Are you FLIPPING kidding me?

  • jookbeard

    bit like the sister in some war torn 4th world country living in a tin shack with 87 children, a violent opposed husband who beats her daily, yet she swims hundreds of miles weekly through crocodile/piranha infested waters to make the meetings , and still pioneers , has 8 thousand studies, places truckloads of mags weekly, and due to her meek nature her violent husband started to take an interest in her religion and is now a zone overseer.

  • cantleave

    The District Superintendent

    Is this a new name for DO?

  • jookbeard

    maybe we'll have Circuit Monitors next

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