What if the male became pregnant and not the woman.

by jam 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lore

    Pfft, if women had the option to quit partway through I'm sure they wouldn't handle it very well either.

    The fact is they make the decision to get pregnant knowing they won't have to face the consequences for another nine months.

    It's like getting strapped into the roller coaster vs climbing up that first big hill. If you have to decide while you're safely on the ground you say: "Heck yeah, looks like fun!" But 5 minutes later right after it starts you are screaming: "LET ME OFF!!!"

    Only instead of a fun roller coaster ride it's gradually increasing discomfort followed by hours of pain and blood.

    They did a test on two guys where they strapped electrodes to their abdomen to simulate the pain of childbirth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ZlsPXpR2ORU

    You might need to enable Closed Captioning to get the subtitles. But basically the one guy took it like a champ, and the other one took painkillers and finally bailed.

    And that's was just for the heck of it. I'm sure if he was actually responsible for producing a baby they other guy would have stuck with it too. (And of course if it were a real labor, he wouldn't even have the option to stop.)

    Men can handle extreme pain if the situation calls for it. Or even to win a bet.

    Although of course men aren't quite equipped the same. So if men WERE going to give birth, they'd face the issue of trying to squeeze something the size of a melon through a hole the size of a BB. So it would be loads worse.

    But hey, Hyenas don't always die from it.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Gloria Steinem, a feminist and co-founder of NOW and Ms. Magazine, once wrote a powerful and funny piece for Ms. about what would happen if men menstruated. Even men find it humorous.

    When I was a college student, all our female profs. and role model women told us we could have it all. Margaret Mead told us we could not have it all at the same. We were fools to believe otherwise. When men give physical birth, we can have it all. The co-eds who flocked to her and worshipped immediately turned on her. I was so furious with her. Decades later, she was right. We were fools. Women can have it all over time and in stages. Now I notice women my age write articles to younger women that no woman can have it all at the same time.

    It is scary when I talk to the most decent men and discover how little they grasp about children and the home.

  • caliber

    A new form of bragging rights would happen

  • Heaven

    Check out the belly on this dude!

    Pregnant Seahorse

    Pregnant Seahorse

  • Jomavrick

    Don't you think that if guys got pregnant that abortions would skyrocket. In fact I think the human birthrate would diminish and we would eventually die off as a species. Men are woosie's about pain and in no way put up with all of the biological inconveniences that women have to endure. Oh and not to drink while pregnant? Forget it, the ones that were birthed would be deformed,,,,,

  • designs

    Several State legislatures, mostly Southern, tried to have 'vaginal probing' laws inacted, how many of these same Fundamentalist jerks would allow for forced urethra probes before they could buy condums.

  • mrsjones5

    Add a prostate exam to that too.

  • Finally-Free

    If Arnie can do it, anyone can.

  • Sayswho

    It would make no real difference...life would be seen as normal. What would you compare it to?


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