Lots of people report spiritual type experiences involving connections
to angels or direction or comfort felt in times of personal meditation
and prayer, even visions of light and the sense of being lifted up
out of the material world. This is universal and has been in every culture.
The human experience is something more than a quest for food and sex
and to reproduce ourselves and then die. Thats why humans create art,
and music. I personally believe that animals have some inner joyfulness,
and even love of beauty. I think animals and people are very similar
and valued by God. They used to teach in science classes that
what distinguished animals from people, was that people use tools.
On further field study, they discovered by observation that animals
use tools also, and some planted crops, and most build themselves
complex houses or nests or places to live. Oh - sorry I digress-
Angels - yes I think they are everywhere, and there are
good ones and bad ones but we all have angels around us.
Yeah I know what about people dying, suffering, getting sick,
and animals eating each other and us eating animals,
unless your Hindu. I have no idea. The first hundred years
are the hardest, is the only answer I have come up with.
As for Jehovah's Witnesses and Angels, there are plenty of
old WT that reported Angels protecting JW's in WW11
But if you said " Hey guess what, I saw an Angel last night"
You would be considered insane or demonized.