What's new for 2013 - lo nuevo de 2013

by oppostate 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • oppostate

    Thanks to Adam at the Spanish language exJW forum for the news.


    The information of the above link is translated here below in bold serif font type.

    Lo nuevo del 2013

    What's new for 2013

    Publicaciones Nuevas 2013
    New Publications for 2013

    5 tratados - 5 tracts
    2 libros - 2 books
    2 folletos - 2 brochures
    1 DVD

    Viernes - Friday
    *Y ahora nos complace presentarles otra herramienta que nos ayudará a comprender la verdad más plenamente: la Guía de estudio para los testigos de Jehová. Esta guía estará disponible en español a partir de enero de 2014. Se ha preparado para ayudarnos a encontrar respuestas a nuestras preguntas sobre temas bíblicos y consejos sobre aspectos del diario vivir
    *And now we are pleased to present to you another tool that will help us understand the truth more fully: The Study Guide for Jehovah's Witnesses. This guide will be available in Spanish beginning January 2014. It has been prepared to help us find answers to our questions about Biblical themes and counsel on aspects of daily living.

    *Es un placer anunciar en esta asamblea la publicación de cinco nuevos tratados que sin duda contribuirán a que muchas personas escuchen por primera vez el sonido de la verdad. Estos son:
    *It is a pleasure to announce during this convention the publication of five new tracts that without a doubt will contribute to many people hearing the sound of the truth for the first time. These are:
    1.- ¿Qué es para usted la Biblia? - What the Bible means for you?
    2.- ¿Cómo ve el futuro? - How do you see the future?
    3.- ¿Qué hace falta para ser una familia feliz? -What's needed for a happy family life?
    4.- ¿Quién controla realmente el mundo? - Who controls the world?
    5.- ¿Dejaremos de sufrir algún día? - Will suffering ever end?
    Tal vez los títulos nos resulten familiares, pero el contenido y diseño de estos tratados es completamente nuevo
    Maybe these titles sound familiar, but the content and design of these tracts is completely new.
    Una nueva publicación:
    A new publication:
    el libro de 208 páginas titulado Ejemplos de fe - the book of 208 pages entitled "Examples of Faith"
    Este libro incluye los artículos de la serie “Ejemplos de fe” que se han publicado durante los últimos cinco años. También presenta información nueva, como un capítulo dedicado a Abrahán, quien llegó a ser “el padre de todos los que tienen fe” (Ro 4:11); además, cada capítulo cuenta con preguntas para facilitar su estudio
    This book includes the articles from the series Examples of faith that have been published during the last tive years. It also presents new information, for example a chapter dedicated to Abraham, who came to be "the father of all who have faith" (Ro 4:11); in addition, each chapter includes questions to facilitate your study.
    Incluye nuevas y hermosas ilustraciones, y se han modificado o aumentado otras que ya existían; además, cuenta con una línea cronológica y mapas que nos ayudarán a comprender mejor las historias y ponerlas en contexto. En el futuro quizás usemos Ejemplos de fe en el Estudio Bíblico de la Congregación, pero podemos usarlo desde ya en nuestro
    estudio personal y en la Noche de Adoración en Familia
    It includes new and beautiful illustrations, and others that already existed have been modified or increased: in addition it contains a chronological timeline and maps that will help us better understand their stories and helpus put them into context. In the future maybe we'll use Examples of Faith in the Congregation Bible Study, but we can already begin using it in out personal study and Family Worship Night.
    Domingo - Sunday
    *Nuevo folleto de 32 páginas titulado: ¿Cómo ser feliz en la vida?
    *New brochure of 32 pages entitled: "How to be happy in life?"
    Se ha preparado teniendo en mente a los lectores judíos
    It has been prepared with Jewish readers in mind.
    *Un nuevo folleto,
    *A new brochure"
    titulado: Mis primeras lecciones de la Biblia
    Entitled: My first Bible lessons.
    Este hermoso folleto de 16 páginas, impreso a todo color, tiene el objetivo de facilitar a los padres la tarea de enseñar a sus hijos de tres años de edad o menos
    This nice brochure of 16 pages, printed in full color, has the goal of facilitating for parents the chore of teaching their children of three years or less
    *Un nuevo DVD,
    *A new DVD",
    titulado: El regreso del hijo pródigo
    entitled: The return of the prodigal son
    Esta conmovedora historia está basada en la obra dramática “Este hermano tuyo estaba muerto y llegó a vivir”, que se presentó en el año 2009 en la Asamblea de Distrito “¡Manténganse alerta!”
    This moving story is based on the drama "This your brother was dead and now lives" that was presented in the year 2009
    at the District Convention "Keep awake!".
    ¿Qué opinan? - What do you think?
  • Roberta804

    Sounds to me like they have run out of ideas and are reprinting their past stuff.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Sounds to me like they have run out of ideas and are reprinting their past stuff.

    They're sending all the writing staff home.

    Now they only need IT people -- cut & paste, cut & paste.


  • finallysomepride

    Sounds to me like they have run out of ideas and are reprinting their past stuff.

    They're sending all the writing staff home.

    Now they only need IT people -- cut & paste, cut & paste.

    Don't need IT people to cut & paste, the cleaning crew could do that

  • JakeM2012

    The Writing Department- Cut and Paste

     photo monkeys_with_computers1_zps4b12175e.jpeg

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    A text book on daily living? Erm, that's the sort of stuff they teach at special schools...also, shouldn't the Bible be the textbook for Christian living? Imagine the JWs saying, ' the few is so loving to provide us with a textbook for everyday life so we don't have to use the wt library so much! Wow, we must be so close to the end!'

    The reality is, they're giving up all capacity to think for themselves. More might wake up, but by narrowing the range of conscious thought, will they be able to? Or will they more so feel that shapeless discontent that leads nowhere?

  • Sparlock the Wizard
    Sparlock the Wizard

    Interesting...I wonder if they really think they can convert a significant amout of Jews now lol

    I gotta say, it does seem like more literature than they normally put out each year; not that it's too difficult to re-hash old WT articles but whatever.

  • Nebeska Nada
    Nebeska Nada
    What's new for 2013
    New Publications for 2013
    5 tracts
    2 books
    2 brochures
    1 DVD
    *And now we are pleased to present to you another tool that will help us understand the truth more fully: The Study Guide for Jehovah's Witnesses. This guide will be available in Spanish beginning January 2014. It has been prepared to help us find answers to our questions about Biblical themes and counsel on aspects of daily living.
    *It is a pleasure to announce during this convention the publication of five new tracts that without a doubt will contribute to many people hearing the sound of the truth for the first time. These are:
    1.- What the Bible means for you?
    2.- How do you see the future?
    3.- What's needed for a happy family life?
    4.- Who controls the world?
    5.- Will suffering ever end?
    Maybe these titles sound familiar, but the content and design of these tracts is completely new.
    A new publication:
    the book of 208 pages entitled "Examples of Faith"
    This book includes the articles from the series Examples of faith that have been published during the last tive years. It also presents new information, for example a chapter dedicated to Abraham, who came to be "the father of all who have faith" (Ro 4:11); in addition, each chapter includes questions to facilitate your study.
    It includes new and beautiful illustrations, and others that already existed have been modified or increased: in addition it contains a chronological timeline and maps that will help us better understand their stories and helpus put them into context. In the future maybe we'll use Examples of Faith in the Congregation Bible Study, but we can already begin using it in out personal study and Family Worship Night.
    *New brochure of 32 pages entitled: "How to be happy in life?"
    It has been prepared with Jewish readers in mind.
    *A new brochure"
    Entitled: My first Bible lessons.
    This nice brochure of 16 pages, printed in full color, has the goal of facilitating for parents the chore of teaching their children of three years or less
    *A new DVD",
    entitled: The return of the prodigal son
    This moving story is based on the drama "This your brother was dead and now lives" that was presented in the year 2009
    at the District Convention "Keep on the Watch!".
    What do you think?
  • oppostate

    @Nebeska Nada

    Thanks for reposting the translation without the Spanish.

    It's more readable. By putting the original with the translation

    I'd hoped that if my translation was lacking, someone may

    pitch in and fix it.

    Anyway thanks.


  • processor


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