Ethnic language Congs. are closing here due to no young people!!!
by Witness 007 15 Replies latest jw experiences
Witness 007
Many young ones have left the truth. Others marry from other congs and move. A recent visit to Sydney my old cong was just that...OLD. Old Elders old everyone. Cant see it going on another 10 years.
Julia Orwell
Sydney! That's surprising. Maybe they're all here on the Gold Coast. A lot of families move here. We also get a lot of Melbourneites 'serving where the need is great' cuz few young ones are being promoted to elders.
Many ethnic congs are closing here too... Young ones have married and moved to English congs, while many young ones leave the truth altogether which leaves very empty meetings with very few old people... Stuck in their old ways...
Many, many years ago, when specialist ethnic congregations were first started in Sydney, my Bethel contacts in those days, told me that the WTS only intended them to be temporary. They were organised so that people with language difficulties could still hear and talk about the 'truth' in their own language.
So theoretically, when those people did not exist anymore, the need would disappear and so would ethnic congregations. -
May I ask why you are calling it "the truth"? You know it isn't. Old habits die hard?
And not just the ethnic congregations. The English hall my mother attends is like an old folks home. They're not all this way, but more and more all the time.
It must have a sad feel in these old congregations. I was in pyrmont (Sydney) this arvo & I passed some older witnesses out door to door.
It just made me feel so sad.
I still call it "the truth" too, even though its not, just conditioning I suppose.
It's kind of funny what JWs themselves make of these ethnic congregations. When they first got underway in New Zealand, the Witnesses heralded them as proof of how prosperous they had become in catering to the growing numbers joining their congregations. Now that growth has kind of flat-lined, if not declined, they are dismissive of congregations closing explaining that the organization is becoming more stream-lined and efficient. Whatever the case, let's just say the Witnesses have been conditioned to have an answer for everything, true or untrue.