can you buy your way out of being disfellowshipped? What do you think it would cost?

by hoser 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • hoser


  • Satanus

    It would likely depend on what a person did, who he had to buy off, where his standing was. 10,000$ would likely do the trick.


  • UnConfused

    Your soul, dignity and of course your future.

  • Iamallcool

    I know a very wealthy elder that got df'd more than few years ago. His money did not help him at all to avoid df'ing. As far as I know, he is still out!

  • DesirousOfChange

    I think the payments would have had to have been made in advance, meaning that a JW who is known for being very generous to the Org, CO, needy Elders/Pioneers would more likely be seen to be "repentant" and having a good heart than some typical bloke who tosses in the widows mite on occasion. Such a generous Christian would more likely be "reproved" rather than DFd unless circumstances just made that choice impossible. Remember, it's all subjective. Whatever those 3 Elders determine is appropriate is the same as "the decision that has already been made in Heaven".


  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    If an elder doesn't 'protect the flock', they are held responsible, in their minds, by Jesus/Jehovah. So accepting a bribe, from a believing elders' point of view..could cost their lives.

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    And don't forget, the elders are stars in Jesus' hands.. So you'd have to ask him :wink:

  • fakesmile

    everyone has a price. but any good business person would ask... what is my financial return? unlike the mormons, there is no lucritive network within the JWs. i wouldnt waste my time or money to remain in their club for a few fence painting jobs. basically, anyone who can sucessfully pull of a good bribe would have walked away before investing anything worth paying to keep.

  • piztjw

    According to a jack-ass jw I know you can.

    He has screwed around on two jw wives (both df'd) and got off without even a slap on the wrist. Nailed for tax evasion three tiime by the state. Nothing done to him. Wrecked two vehicles while driving drunk. Committed business fraud which cost no less than ten million dollars damages and the homes of seven jw families. Swears like a drunken sailor. Is a chronic drunk, in public. And to date NOTHIG has been done to him, other than appointing him as a MS. He brags about being a multi-millionaire.

    He told me personally that all I need to do if I want a piece of a** is to go ahead, screw whomever, confess to the "elders", claim it was a moment of "weakness", and make a make a LARGE CONTRIBUTION to the local KH and everything would be okay.

    So yes one can buy their way out of disfellowshipment.

  • Jaidubdub

    Depends on how corrupt the elders are... I've seen some get away with so much & other get d'fed for practically nothing...


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