My husband asked me to print the Wt 7/13 WT for him. His mom usually calls him during month of May, he wants to be prepared. His response,(can only read small amount at one time). His response they now changing things tryiing to make things fit their new lites. He is so done with this relgions hipocracy. He doesnt understand how active JWs cant see thru these new teachings, but knows they just close their eyes. My sister asked how I got a copy of this WT, duh I went to
July 2013 WT husband reading
by gma-tired2 11 Replies latest watchtower bible
I saw the leaked copy of this article on this site and I told a sister all about it,she was astounded that I knew and said she couldnt confirm or deny it because it wasnt even released yet,cant tell you how delighted I was to tell her about it! Anyway,since then she has not called me to deliver my latest mags to me I suspect that when she mentioned the article ahead of time she was told by the elders that I was an apostate. Excellent I thought I would never get rid of her!
This is the same response I am getting from others who dare talk to me. I told 5 people about the July 2013 WT and 3 responded back that they were done. One said, "This is just too transparent".
Nice to hear that not everyone is buying into whatever the GB says...
Ding says," Nice to hear that not everyone is buying into whatever the GB says.."
I visited with some JW relatives who are in their late 60's a few weeks ago. They had been studying their WT for the weekend, and the sister said, "Another study with scriptures sited that there is no way that if you just read the bible you can get their interpretation". I thought this interesting.
wha happened?
Everytime they raise the bar on crazy, a few shake loose
Wow, this is encouraging. Maybe there will be another mass exodus like after the 1975 fiasco!
GMA-TIRED 2 - Pretty cool that your husband wants to share this with his mom . Tell your husband that the reason his JW relatives can't see through this information is that they are heavily " mind controlled " by the WT Society dogma. I hope this July 2013 information starts helping more JWs to exit. Good for your husband. Peace out, Mr. Flipper
I can see through the lies but my wife is still blind!
The Quiet One
Someone commented that the July watchtower is a test as to whether we would be one of the people who was slow to hear and to change.. Would we listen to the FDS?