What was the recent change made regarding baptisms?

by Witness My Fury 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Just saw a post by Splash on the Commision transcript thread: (pasted below)

    We had a talk at our hall recently, basically saying that there have been lots of letters written to the UK branch, questioning and complaining about a new change introduced for the baptisms at the SAD and CA.

    The talk did not try to reason, it did not try to explain.

    The talk was "Do as you are told, don't question what you are told".

    We were told to do as the song instructs us "Listen, Obey and be Blessed".

    We were told that this change was from Jehovah so keep up with his chariot.

    I think this talk was given in quite a few locations around the country.

    What was that all about please?

  • poppers

    Ha! Keep up with "his" chariot or the Governing Body's chariot? Criminy!

  • heathen

    I noticed another new one is you can't be baptized if you have STD s . That's from several years ago , right now it's a conscience matter to disclose the condition but imagine they will want dr. written proof of being disease free . Which I can understand in some cases .

  • DesirousOfChange

    We had a talk at our hall recently, basically saying that there have been lots of letters written to the UK branch, questioning and complaining about a new change introduced for the baptisms at the SAD and CA.

    I don't know of any changes here in the USofA.

    Anyone else?


  • St George of England
    St George of England

    I think they are going to require all baptismal candidates to be old enough to walk to the pool unaided.


  • BroMac

    the change for the UK at circuit assemblies is the baptism is no longer done as part the morning sessions. after the song the chairman concludes the morning session and reminds the audience to be back in their seats by ___pm to usual stunned silence as now the dunking happens while everyone has lunch. lots of jdubs are saying it takes away the dignity of the occasion, because for forever in the UK it has been quietly observed and applause for each one dunked. I believe this change has been the norm across the pond for a long time.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    How does that work then as at a few assembly halls the pool was built into the stage area for the purpose of the audience being able to watch the baptism in progress? No wonder they are confused...

  • Jaidubdub

    They've been doing that for a while at the DA... I've missed quite a few CA so not sure if its the same as the DA...

  • wannaexit

    I dont' understand----are they going to dunk in private. ----perhaps in another location.

    Inquiring minds need to know :)

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    The last assembly I attended which was a CA about 3 - 4 years ago they played creepy emotive music during the baptism and it freaked me out as I was already awake and wanting out, but that damn baptism just threw me over the dge as it was screaming CULT to me and I just had to leave right then.

    Maybe they have picked up on this that it could (it bloody does) appear very cult like and have in typical knee jerk fashion gone to the opposite end by now having them in private behind the curtain on stage in the lunch break?

    If they farm them out to a pool elsewhere and dont use the pool onsite then the other likely possibility is typical legalism and avoiding being sued over accident / injury / communicable diseases etc etc.

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