What does 100 calories look like?

by jgnat 94 Replies latest social entertainment

  • LV101

    "lost" --- I know --- have been reading health books all my life and studied nutrition for awhile.

    I have a problem with the meat and I will never think a diet of meat is healthy. I think the vegetarian way is the best --- not that I can do it but come pretty close.

    I grew up on a farm and we had real, fresh, beef and chicken w/out all the antibiotics and poisons.

    I guess balance is the operative word but I've tried so hard to strip meat from my diet (other than bite of taco once in a blue moon) and just couldn't believe this new info on lectins.

  • ShirleyW

    In the 70's miscarriages and infant death was for some reason very common

    That's always been the case Lost, just like giving birth is common so or miscarriages. Are you referring to a certain drug that was popular in the 70's that caused it, like that drug in the 50's that was supposed to stop pregnant women from being nauseous but caused babies to be born without arms and legs?

  • *lost*

    Pickler, welcome and thank you for taking the time to share your info.

    So true what you said. Take Popcorn - it's a natural helathy food. Love hot caramel popcorn i do. We used to make popcorn and sell it. Just oil, popcorn and caramel sugar, lush. But here is a little known fact. There is an additive manufacturers make, you sprinkle it in with the sugar, it causes craving, so the more popcorn you eat, the more you want, aimed at kids like, so they want more, buy more, more money for the vendor. I refused to do this. Besides, I'l eat popcorn all day long, lol. But hey, there is stuff going into food that peeps just don't know about.

    your daughter, does she like shakes ? homemade. My girls love them, so simple. Have you heard of complan ? you can get it in vanilla flavour. It's designed for elderly, sick people to build them up, if she will drink that it would help her.

    My one girl, won't eat proper meat. and she is the sickly type, lot of stress. I let her make the shakes.

    LV . I love meat. My daughter, won't eat it, lol. I can't figure why you want to rid it out of your diet. is it the love of animals thing ? Have you done any more research on nightshade. I believe it has/was used medicinally. digitalis (foxglove) deadly posionous, but used to treat heart conditions. I'm gonna look up about the lectin.

    Shirley - nope. We were just discussing health/food/society etc. But thanks for the horror memory there of thalidamide. hope I don't have that in my heaad all day now

    edit; I got my girls on a good multi-vitamin now and echinichae (?) tabs from health shop.

    Pickler - what about wraps/pitta pockets for your girl. she gets to have her meat and salad all in the one. with dressings.

    Yorkshire puddings - yum yum. I'm a stodge lover, pancakes, love em.

  • XPeterX

    OK GUYS LISTEN UP:If food fits your macros you are good.Caloric surplus means you gain weight,caloric deficit means you lose weight.Simple as that.

  • *lost*

    LV - omg, need a biology degree here, lol. phew.

    Glad you brought this up about lectins, I had heard of radicals and free radicals, but never paid no heed to them.

    Can you give a bit more info. simplified as much as possible. lol.

    I shall carry on researching, very interesting.

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